Hi all, I have used this program to reshape data successfully many times.
insheet using ${DIR}/test_data.csv
drop if country_name==""
gen id = _n
reshape long yr, i(id) j(year)
encode indicator, gen(varnum)
label save varnum using vardesc, replace
drop id indicator
rename yr data
sort country_name year
egen id=group(country_name year)
reshape wide data, i(id) j(varnum)
rename data1 test1
Now, I get the following error
file vardesc.do could not be opened
The original data is in this format
I am trying to get it into the format
This usually works with no problem at all. Any thoughts on how I might update the program? I am using STATA 12 SE .
insheet using ${DIR}/test_data.csv
drop if country_name==""
gen id = _n
reshape long yr, i(id) j(year)
encode indicator, gen(varnum)
label save varnum using vardesc, replace
drop id indicator
rename yr data
sort country_name year
egen id=group(country_name year)
reshape wide data, i(id) j(varnum)
rename data1 test1
Now, I get the following error
file vardesc.do could not be opened
The original data is in this format
country_name | Indicator | yr1985 | yr1986 | yr1987 | |
Afghanistan | test1 | 58 | 36 | 36 | |
Albania | test1 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
I am trying to get it into the format
year | country_name | media |
1985 | Afghanistan | 58 |
1986 | Afghanistan | 36 |
1987 | Afghanistan | 36 |
1985 | Albania | 3 |
1986 | Albania | 2 |
1987 | Albania | 5 |