Mata lacks a function that could transform (make uppercase, lowercase, etc.) a pattern inside a string. Imagine that you have 1600 string observations in a string variable and you must capitalize every letter after a comma.
Here's a way to do it, the ustrregextf and ustrregexta functions.
Now all one needs to type is
or, for strL,
NB The transformation function is passed as a string argument, not as a pointer. An improvised "eval()" is used (I added it to the topic title since people occasionally ask how to make an eval() in Mata).
Here's a way to do it, the ustrregextf and ustrregexta functions.
*! version 1.0.6 07oct2024 version 16.0 clear all loc RS real scalar loc SS string scalar loc SM string matrix mata: mata set matastrict on `SM' ustrregextf(`SM' s1, `SS' re, `SS' t,| `RS' noc) { `RS' i, j `SS' g, s noc = noc != . ? noc : 0 s = st_tempname() for(i = 1; i <= rows(s1); i++) { for(j = 1; j <= cols(s1); j++) { (void) ustrregexm(s1[i,j], re, noc) if ((g=ustrregexs(0)) != "") { stata(`"mata: st_strscalar(""' + s + `"", "' + t + `"(""' + g + `""))"') s1[i,j] = usubinstr(s1[i,j], g, st_strscalar(s), 1) } } } return(s1) } `SM' ustrregexta(`SM' s1, `SS' re, `SS' t,| `RS' noc) { `RS' i, j `SS' g, g_flag, s noc = noc != . ? noc : 0 s = st_tempname() for(i = 1; i <= rows(s1); i++) { for(j = 1; j <= cols(s1); j++) { while(1) { (void) ustrregexm(s1[i,j], re, noc) if ((g=ustrregexs(0)) != "" & g != g_flag) { stata(`"mata: st_strscalar(""' + s + `"", "' + t + `"(""' + g + `""))"') s1[i,j] = usubinstr(s1[i,j], g, (g_flag=st_strscalar(s)), 1) } else break } } } return(s1) } end version 18.0: lmbuild llanguagetools.mlib, replace size(4)
mata: st_sview((X=""), ., "varname"); ustrregexta(X, ",\s*[a-z]", "ustrupper");
mata: st_sstore(., "varname", ustrregexta(st_sdata(., "varname"), ",\s*[a-z]", "ustrupper"))