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  • st_matrixcolstripe(): 3300 argument out of range katya(): - function returned error : - function returned error

      do "$path/gidd programs/Mata Select reweight"      ds c1f00-c3m70      * Call Mata Function          mata: katya("r(varlist)")   // The Katya Function           drop const          svmat Q0, names(matcol)          local f_varlist ""          foreach var of varlist c1f00 - c3f75 {              capture confirm variable Q0`var'              if !_rc {                  local f_varlist "`f_varlist' `var'"              }              else {                  drop `var'              }          }           drop Q0*          if "`foreign'"!="" matrix define Y = (Y \ `foreign')          svmat Y, names(col)          rename c1 const      if "`foreign'"!="" {              merge 1:1 idh using `foreigndb'              drop _merge              noi di "Maxentropy for year `a'"              noi di "The constraint matrix for year `a'"              matrix list const`a'              noi di "`country'"              noi di "maxentropy const `f_varlist' foreign, prior(`iweights') generate(newwgt) total(`tsumpop`a'') "                        cap maxentropy const `f_varlist' ___foreign, prior(`iweights') generate(newwgt) total(`tsumpop`a'')               if !_rc {              gen newiwgt = newwgt/hhsize              keep `id' newiwgt              clonevar idh_merge = `id'              sort idh_merge              tempfile max`a'              save `max`a'', replace              local a = `a' + `stp'              }              else {                  noi di "Convergence not achieved at alpha: " $sc_alpha                  global sc_alpha = $sc_alpha * 10                  noi di ""                  noi di "New alpha: " $sc_alpha              }         }       if "`foreign'"=="" {              noi di "Maxentropy for year `a'"              noi di "The constraint matrix for year `a'"              matrix list const`a'              noi di "`country'"              noi di "maxentropy const `f_varlist' , prior(`iweights') generate(newwgt) total(`tsumpop`a'') "                       cap maxentropy const `f_varlist' , prior(`iweights') generate(newwgt) total(`tsumpop`a'')               if !_rc {              gen newiwgt = newwgt/hhsize              keep `id' newiwgt              clonevar idh_merge = `id'              sort idh_merge              tempfile max`a'              save `max`a'', replace              local a = `a' + `stp'              }              else {                  noi di "Convergence not achieved at alpha: " $sc_alpha                  global sc_alpha = $sc_alpha * 10                  noi di ""                  noi di "New alpha: " $sc_alpha              }         }          restore  }      use `base', clear  forval a = `iyear'(`stp')`tyear' {      clonevar idh_merge = `id'      sort idh_merge      merge m:1 idh_merge using `max`a''      tab _merge      drop _merge      sort idh_merge      drop idh_merge      gen double `generate'`a' = newiwgt      drop newiwgt  }      }      end
    The do file called above has the following: version 12 clear mata
      mata:  void katya(string scalar variables)  {     varnames=tokens(st_global(variables))         x=st_data(., ("c1f00 - c3m70"))         y=st_data(., "const")          submat = select(y, rowmissing(y):< $sc_alpha)         z = select(x',submat:>= $sc_alpha)'         q = select(submat,submat:>= $sc_alpha)         colnames=select(varnames',submat:>= $sc_alpha)         colnames=J(rows(colnames),1,""), colnames         q0        = select(q ,rowsum(z'):>= $sc_alpha)          colnames0 = select(colnames,rowsum(z'):>= $sc_alpha)         qnull   = select(q ,rowsum(z'):< $sc_alpha)'         colnull = select(colnames, rowsum(z'):< $sc_alpha)            q0_ = q0'         st_matrix("Q0",q0_)         st_matrixcolstripe("Q0", colnames0)         st_matrix("Y", q0)   } end
    Last edited by Gauri WRI; 15 May 2024, 01:05.