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  • How to add weighting variables in meta-analysis

    I am doing a meta-analysis of 18 individual studies using stata 17.0
    - The effect size uses the odds ratio and 95%CI calculated from individual analyses.
    - The method is to use a random effects model.
    - Study sample sizes range from 40 to 1,000,000 participants. Therefore, I want to include the sample size in the weights.

    The variables are:
    ES = odds ratio
    LCI= Low confidence interval
    UCI= Upper confidence interval
    ID= study ID
    PATICIPANTSIZE= Study sample sizes

    Q1.chether the command below is correct.
    "metan ES LCI UCI, wgt( PATICIPANTSIZE ) label(namevar=ID) forestplot(null(1))"

    Q2. or would you please recommend what command is appropriate to use for this analysis?

    Q3. Lastly, I am wonder,
    if the I2 is above 90%, What statement should I perform command for further analysis?

  • #2

