I'm currently working on a project that requires me to extract a large amount of values from a matrix the current format is as follows:
The variables I want to extract are integers that represent a purchase date for items. so for instance Var 4 would take the value of 0, 1, 2 or 3 depending on the period they were purchased.
However, I dont need every variable in the dataset. Furthermore, the data format I require for my algorithm is as follows.
In essence the second column would take the value of the period 1, 2 or 3 depending on when it was purchased and the third column would be the item identifier which was the row name.
So far the only solution I could came up with was to go through each entry one at a time and recode into a matrix. However this is time consuming and not a best practice as far as i know. Below is a sample code:
I have looked into some solutions but can't figure this one out with the existing stata functions. Could someone point me towards the right direction ?
Thank you.
I'm currently working on a project that requires me to extract a large amount of values from a matrix the current format is as follows:
ID | Var 1 | Var 2 | Var 3 | Var 4 | Var 5 | ... | Var N |
1 | String | Int | Int | Int | Int | ... | other |
2 | String | Int | Int | Int | Int | ... | other |
3 | String | Int | Int | Int | Int | ... | other |
However, I dont need every variable in the dataset. Furthermore, the data format I require for my algorithm is as follows.
ID | Value | Var |
1 | Int | Var 3 |
1 | Int | Var 4 |
1 | Int | Var 5 |
2 | Int | Var 3 |
2 | Int | Var 5 |
2 | Int | Var 7 |
2 | Int | Var 8 |
3 | Int | Var 4 |
3 | Int | Var 5 |
In essence the second column would take the value of the period 1, 2 or 3 depending on when it was purchased and the third column would be the item identifier which was the row name.
So far the only solution I could came up with was to go through each entry one at a time and recode into a matrix. However this is time consuming and not a best practice as far as i know. Below is a sample code:
//Q8 -- Fill in the created matrix variables local num = 8 local varlist "a b c d e" local i = 1 local j = 1 gen Q`num'all="" while `i'<=118679 { if IndexQ`num'[`i'] ==1 { foreach x of local varlist { if Q`num'`x'[`i'] ==1 { local let`j' = "`x'" local j = `j' + 1 } } replace Q`num'all = "`let1'" in `i' } if IndexQ`num'[`i'] ==2 { foreach x of local varlist { if Q`num'`x'[`i'] ==1 { local let`j' = "`x'" local j = `j' + 1 } } replace Q`num'all = "`let1',`let2'" in `i' // new variable to be created for transaction mode } if IndexQ`num'[`i'] ==3 { foreach x of local varlist { if Q`num'`x'[`i'] ==1 { local let`j' = "`x'" local j = `j' + 1 } } replace Q`num'all = "`let1',`let2',`let3'" in `i' } if IndexQ`num'[`i'] ==4 { foreach x of local varlist { if Q`num'`x'[`i'] ==1 { local let`j' = "`x'" local j = `j' + 1 } } replace Q`num'all = "`let1',`let2',`let3',`let4'" in `i' } if IndexQ`num'[`i'] ==5 { foreach x of local varlist { if Q`num'`x'[`i'] ==1 { local let`j' = "`x'" local j = `j' + 1 } } replace Q`num'all = "`let1',`let2',`let3',`let4',`let5'" in `i' } local i = `i'+1 local j=1 }
Thank you.