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  • igraph 'maxclique' in R is there anything like that in Stata

    Dear community members,

    I would like to this R function converted into Stata, I am really having trouble doing this

    TSHT.VHat <- function(n, ITT_Y, ITT_D, V.Gamma, V.gamma, C, voting = 'MaxClique',
    method='OLS', tuning.1st=NULL, tuning.2nd=NULL){
    pz = nrow(V.Gamma)
    Tn1 = Tn2 = sqrt(log(n))
    Tn1 = Tn2 = max(sqrt(2.01*log(pz)), sqrt(log(n)))
    if(!is.null(tuning.1st)) Tn1 = tuning.1st
    if(!is.null(tuning.2nd)) Tn2 = tuning.1st
    ## First Stage
    SHat = (1:pz)[abs(ITT_D) > (Tn1 * sqrt(diag(V.gamma)/n))]

    warning("First Thresholding Warning: IVs individually weak.
    TSHT with these IVs will give misleading CIs, SEs, and p-values.
    Use more robust methods.")
    warning("Defaulting to treating all IVs as strong.")
    SHat= 1:pz
    SHat.bool = rep(FALSE, pz); SHat.bool[SHat] = TRUE

    ## Second Stage
    nCand = length(SHat)
    VHats.bool = matrix(FALSE, nCand, nCand)
    colnames(VHats.bool) = rownames(VHats.bool) = SHat

    for(j in SHat){
    beta.j = ITT_Y[j]/ITT_D[j]
    pi.j = ITT_Y - ITT_D * beta.j
    Temp = V.Gamma + beta.j^2*V.gamma - 2*beta.j*C
    SE.j = rep(NA, pz)
    for(k in 1:pz){
    SE.j[k] = 1/n * (Temp[k,k] + (ITT_D[k]/ITT_D[j])^2*Temp[j,j] -

    PHat.bool.j = abs(pi.j) <= sqrt(SE.j)*Tn2
    VHat.bool.j = PHat.bool.j * SHat.bool
    VHats.bool[as.character(SHat), as.character(j)] = VHat.bool.j[SHat]
    for(i in 1:dim(VHats.boot.sym)[1]){
    for(j in 1:dim(VHats.boot.sym)[2]){
    diag(VHats.boot.sym) = 1

    VM= apply(VHats.boot.sym,1,sum)
    VM.m = rownames(VHats.boot.sym)[VM > (0.5 * length(SHat))] # Majority winners
    VM.p = rownames(VHats.boot.sym)[max(VM) == VM] #Plurality winners
    VHat = as.numeric(union(VM.m, VM.p))

    # Error check
    if(length(VHat) == 0){
    warning("VHat Warning: No valid IVs estimated. This may be due to weak IVs or identification condition not being met. Use more robust methods.")
    warning("Defaulting to all IVs being valid")
    VHat = 1:pz
    if (voting == 'MaxClique') {
    voting.graph <- igraph::as.undirected(igraph::graph_from_adjacency _matrix(VHats.boot.sym))
    max.clique <- igraph::largest.cliques(voting.graph)
    # VHat <- unique(igraph::as_ids(Reduce(c,max.clique))) # take the union if multiple max cliques exist
    # VHat <- sort(as.numeric(VHat))
    VHat = lapply(max.clique, FUN=function(x) sort(as.numeric(names(x))))
    n.VHat = length(VHat[[1]])
    if(length(VHat)==1) VHat = VHat[[1]]
    } else if (voting == 'MP') {
    VHat <- sort(as.numeric(union(VM.m,VM.p))) # Union of majority and plurality winners
    n.VHat = length(VHat)
    } else if (voting == 'Conservative'){
    for(index in VM.p){
    for(index in V.set){
    n.VHat = length(VHat)

    # Error check
    if(n.VHat == 0){
    warning("VHat Warning: No valid IVs estimated. This may be due to weak IVs or identification condition not being met. Use more robust methods.")
    warning("Defaulting to all IVs being valid")
    VHat = 1:pz

    returnList <- list(SHat=SHat,VHat=VHat,voting.mat=VHats.boot.sym )

    Kindly Please help me in this regard !
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    If you told us what the input and output and intended purpose of this R code is, you'd have some chance of getting some help. There might, for example, be some existing program in Stata that could do what you want, or close to it, but since there are not many people here who know R well, and since understanding what you want requires that someone digest the code and figure out what it does, helping you would be hard even for someone who knows R. Given these issues, your question as phrased is not likely to bring you any help. Your best bet would be to rephrase your question.

