Hi everyone. I am looking to store iterative sets of standard errors in a matrix for a Monte Carlo Simulation. The problem I'm having is that I'm not sure where to put the matrix, and if there is specific syntax for the standard error matrix. I need the standard errors store in a matrix so I can perform some calculations for my econometrics assignment. Appreciate any help! Also, not sure if these code delimiters worked, I'm still trying to figure that out.
clear local mc = 1000 set seed 368 set obs `mc' gen data_n = . gen data_store_x = . gen data_store_cons = . mata: beta_10 = J(1000,1,.) mata: beta_100 = J(1000,1,.) mata: beta_1000 = J(1000,1,.) mata: beta_10000 = J(1000,1,.) foreach n of numlist 10 100 1000 10000 { quietly { forvalues i = 1(1) `mc' { if floor((`i'-1)/100) == (`i' -1)/100 { noisily display "Working on `i' out of `mc' at $S_TIME" } preserve clear set obs `n' gen x = rnormal() *3 + 6 gen e = rnormal() - 0.5 gen y = 3 + 4*x + e reg y x, vce(robust) local xcoef = _b[x] local const = _b[_cons] mata: beta_`n'[`i',1] = `xcoef' restore replace data_n = `n' in `i' replace data_store_x = `xcoef' in `i' replace data_store_cons = `const' in `i' } } summ data_n data_store_x data_store_cons, detail }