In running simulations/bootstraps/etc. in Mata I often find it helpful to work with matrixes that accumulate each replication's results row-by-row. I've always had an informal sense that it is faster to (a) work with an accumulation matrix defined up front as an empty matrix J(r,c,.) (r is the # of replications) and then populate its rows replication-by-replication than (b) set up a zero-row empty matrix J(0,c,.) and then row-append to it replication-by-replication.
How much faster is (a) than (b) I did not appreciate until running this little timing comparison. I was stunned.
How much faster is (a) than (b) I did not appreciate until running this little timing comparison. I was stunned.
mata timer_clear() rseed(2345) v=J(1,5,1) r=100000 timer_on(1) ctch1=J(r,5,.) for (j=1;j<=r;j++) { ctch1[j,.]=v } timer_off(1) timer_on(2) ctch2=J(0,5,.) for (j=1;j<=r;j++) { ctch2=ctch2\v } timer_off(2) ctch1==ctch2 timer() end
: : ctch1==ctch2 1 : : timer() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- timer report 1. .013 / 1 = .013 2. 59.3 / 1 = 59.268 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------