I coded an optimization and I would like to repeat that optimization for subsamples randomly drawn from my sample.
I would now like to loop the whole command 1,000 times, and save the betas to matrix. My first attempt was to put:
at the very beginning of the command followed by:
and closing the loop by using
to save the parameters to the matrix bhat. However, Stata keeps giving me the error message: <istmt>: 3499 i not found.
I have also tried to start the loop within mata using:
However, Stata returns the error message expression invalid right after
in that case.
I would appreciate any idea how to fix this.
I coded an optimization and I would like to repeat that optimization for subsamples randomly drawn from my sample.
*Here, I define the variables used in the optimization mata: void GMMTL(todo,betas,crit,g,H) { PHI=st_data(.,("phi")) LPHI = st_data(.,("lagphi")) LED = st_data(.,("lagExportD")) Z=st_data(.,("const","withinllogl","withinlogk1","withinllogl2","withinlogk2","withinlogkllogl","withinllogm","withinllogm2","withinllogmllogl","withinlogkllogm")) X=st_data(.,("const","withinlogl1","withinlogk1","withinlogl2","withinlogk2","withinl1k1","withinlogm1","withinlogm2","withinl1m1","withink1m1")) lagX = st_data(.,("const","withinllogl","withinllogk","withinllogl2","withinllogk2","withinllogkllogl","withinllogm","withinllogm2","withinllogmllogl","withinllogkllogm")) Y=st_data(.,("withinlogy")) C=st_data(.,("const")) VAR = (C,PHI,LPHI,LED,Z,X,lagX,Y,C) *Here, I draw a random subsample of my data and replace the original vectors. VAR[,1] = runiform(rows(VAR),1) :> .9 PHI = select(VAR[.,2], VAR[.,1]:~=0) LPHI = select(VAR[.,3], VAR[.,1]:~=0) LED = select(VAR[.,4], VAR[.,1]:~=0) Z = select(VAR[.,4\5\6\7\8\9\10\11\12\13], VAR[.,1]:~=0) X = select(VAR[.,14\15\16\17\18\19\20\21\22\23], VAR[.,1]:~=0) lagX= select(VAR[.,24\25\26\27\28\29\30\31\32\33], VAR[.,1]:~=0) Y=select(VAR[.,34], VAR[.,1]:~=0) C=select(VAR[.,35], VAR[.,1]:~=0) *Here, I define the system of equations to be solved by the optimizer. OMEGA=PHI-X*betas' lagOMEGA=LPHI-lagX*betas' lagOMEGAlagED =diagonal((LPHI-lagX*betas')*LED') lagOMEGAsq= diagonal((LPHI-lagX*betas')*(LPHI-lagX*betas')') lagOMEGAsqlagED = diagonal(diagonal((LPHI-lagX*betas')*(LPHI-lagX*betas')')*LED') lagOMEGAcub= diagonal(lagOMEGAsq*(LPHI-lagX*betas')') lagOMEGAcublagED = diagonal(diagonal(lagOMEGAsq*(LPHI-lagX*betas')')*LED') pollagOMEGA = (C,lagOMEGA,lagOMEGAsq,lagOMEGAcub,lagOMEGAlagED,lagOMEGAsqlagED,lagOMEGAcublagED,LED) g_b = invsym(pollagOMEGA'pollagOMEGA)*pollagOMEGA'OMEGA XI = OMEGA-pollagOMEGA*g_b crit=(Z'XI)'(Z'XI) } *This is just fixing the optimization settings. S=optimize_init() optimize_init_evaluator(S, &GMMTL()) optimize_init_evaluatortype(S,"d0") optimize_init_technique(S,"nm") optimize_init_nmsimplexdeltas(S, 0.1) optimize_init_conv_maxiter(S, 1000) optimize_init_which(S,"min") optimize_init_params(S,(7,0.1911017,0.051978,0.0308493,0.0113114,0.0304485,0.5731468,0.0410968,-0.073725,-0.0350174)) p=optimize(S)
mata bhat = J(1000, 10, .) end
forval i=1/1000 {
and closing the loop by using
bhat[i,] = optimize_result_params(S) }
I have also tried to start the loop within mata using:
for (i=1; i<=1000; i++) {
void GMMTL(todo,betas,crit,g,H)
I would appreciate any idea how to fix this.