I am writing a program on Conley standard errors for M-estimators. It's my first time writing a program on Stata. I wish to get advice on how it's written so
far and what I can do to improve it. I am particularly looking to speed this up. It is relatively fast for anything less than 3,000 observations (2.5 seconds), but
becomes awfully slow after 10,000 observations (running with 70,000 observations took 10 hours). Any help is appreciated, as I am a beginner. Here is my code:
I am writing a program on Conley standard errors for M-estimators. It's my first time writing a program on Stata. I wish to get advice on how it's written so
far and what I can do to improve it. I am particularly looking to speed this up. It is relatively fast for anything less than 3,000 observations (2.5 seconds), but
becomes awfully slow after 10,000 observations (running with 70,000 observations took 10 hours). Any help is appreciated, as I am a beginner. Here is my code:
program define space_reg, eclass version 13.0 syntax varlist(min=1) [if] [in] [, Xreg(int-1) COord(int-1) MODel(str) * ] /* everything is required. */ #delimit ; /* raise errors if model option incorrectly specified */ if strpos("`model'", "areg"){; if "`model'"=="areg" {; di in red "areg requires a comma followed by your fixed effect"; exit 198; }; else if "`model'"!="areg"{; if strpos("`model'", "areg,"){; gettoken model opts : model, parse(","); gettoken comma opts : opts, parse(","); local byby `"model(`model', `opts')"'; if "`opts'"==""{; di "`opts'"; di in red "You are missing the fixed effect for areg"; exit 198; }; }; }; }; if strpos("`model'", "reghdfe"){; if "`model'"=="reghdfe" {; di in red "areg requires a comma followed by your fixed effect"; exit 198; }; else if "`model'"!="reghdfe"{; if strpos("`model'", "reghdfe,"){; gettoken model opts : model, parse(","); gettoken comma opts : opts, parse(","); local byby `"model(`model', `opts')"'; if "`opts'"==""{; di in red "You are missing the fixed effect for reghdfe"; exit 198; }; }; }; }; /* raise errors if syntax is incorrectly specified */ if `xreg'<1{; if `xreg'==-1{; di in red "xreg() is required. Takes an integer equal to the amount of regressors in the varlist."; exit 198; }; di in red "xreg(`xreg') is invalid"; exit 198; }; if `coord'<1{; if `coord'==-1{; di in red "coord() is required. Takes an integer equal to the amount of coordinates in the varlist."; exit 198; }; di in red "coord(`coord') is invalid"; exit 198; }; /*Separate input variables: coordinates, cutoffs, dependent var, regressors */ /*get coordinates*/ parse "`varlist'", parse(" "); local a=1; while `a'<=`coord' {; tempvar coord`a'; gen `coord`a''=``a''; local a=`a'+1; }; /*get cutoffs*/ local aa=1; while `aa'<=`coord' {; tempvar cut`aa'; gen `cut`aa''=``a''; local a=`a'+1; local aa=`aa'+1; }; /*get dep variable*/ tempvar Y; gen `Y'=``a''; local depend : word `a' of `varlist'; local a=`a'+1; local b=1; while `b'<=`xreg' {; tempvar X`b'; local ind`b'="`b'"; gen `X`b''= ``a''; local ind`b' : word `a' of `varlist'; local a=`a'+1; local b=`b'+1; }; tempfile all; save `all'; if "`if'"==""{; disp("No if conditions specified"); }; else if "`if'"!=""{; keep `if'; }; /*Estimate the model*/ quietly{; tempname bread; if "`model'"=="reghdfe" | "`model'"=="areg"{; tempname d_list ry; reghdfe `Y' `X1', absorb(`opts'); keep if e(sample)==1; matrix betalgt = e(b); matrix cov_nd = e(V); /*Degrees of freedom corrected VCV matrix*/ reghdfe `Y', absorb(`opts') resid; /*Frisch–Waugh–Lovell (FWL) theorem*/ predict `ry', resid; replace `ry'=0 if `ry'==.; local partialed_varlist; if `xreg'==1{; tempvar rX1; reghdfe `X1', absorb(`opts') resid; predict `rX1', resid; replace `rX1'=0 if `rX1'==.; /*leads to same standard errors in unclustered models*/ reg `ry' `rX1', noconstant; tempvar uhat; predict `uhat', resid; mat accum `bread'= `rX1', noconstant; /*hessian matrix*/ local X1 `rX1'; /*replace regressor with partialed regressor*/ }; else{; tempvar uhat; reghdfe `Y' `X1'-`X`xreg'', absorb(`opts') resid; /*Same process as above, but for more regressors*/ keep if e(sample)==1; predict `uhat', residuals; matrix betalgt = e(b); matrix cov_nd = e(V); forvalues k=1(1)`xreg'{; tempvar rX`k'; reghdfe `X`k'', absorb(`opts') resid; predict `rX`k'', resid; replace `rX`k''=0 if `rX`k''==.; local partialed_varlist `partialed_varlist' `rX`k''; replace `X`k''=`rX`k''; }; mat accum `bread'=`partialed_varlist', noconstant; drop _reghdfe_resid; }; }; if "`model'"=="ols"{; if `xreg'==1 {; reg `Y' `X1', noconstant robust; keep if e(sample)==1; mat accum `bread'=`X1', noconstant; /*Creates X'X matrix*/ }; else{; reg `Y' `X1'-`X`xreg'', noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat accum `bread'=`X1'-`X`xreg'' `if',noconstant; }; tempvar uhat; matrix betalgt = e(b); /*save parameter estimates and VCV matrix*/ matrix cov_nd = e(V); predict `uhat', residuals; }; if "`model'"=="logit"{; if `xreg'==1{; logit `Y' `X1',noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat `bread' = -1*invsym(e(V)); /*Hessian*/ }; else{; logit `Y' `X1'-`X`xreg'' , noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat `bread' = -1*invsym(e(V)); }; tempvar phat uhat; matrix betalgt = e(b); matrix cov_nd = e(V); predict `phat'; gen `uhat' = `Y' - `phat'; }; else if "`model'"=="probit"{; if `xreg'==1{; probit `Y' `X1',noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat `bread' = -1*invsym(e(V)); /*Hessian*/ }; else{; probit `Y' `X1'-`X`xreg'' , noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat `bread' = -1*invsym(e(V)); }; tempvar phat uhat; matrix betalgt = e(b); matrix cov_nd = e(V); predict `phat'; gen `uhat' = `Y' - `phat'; }; else if "`model'"=="poisson"{; if `xreg'==1{; poisson `Y' `X1',noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat `bread' = -1*invsym(e(V)); /*Hessian*/ }; else{; poisson `Y' `X1'-`X`xreg'' , noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat `bread' = -1*invsym(e(V)); }; tempvar phat uhat; matrix betalgt = e(b); matrix cov_nd = e(V); predict `phat'; gen `uhat' = `Y' - `phat'; }; else if "`model'"=="nb"{; tempvar temp_hessian; if `xreg'==1{; nbreg `Y' `X1',noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat `temp_hessian' = -1*invsym(e(V)); /*Hessian*/ mat `bread' = J(`xreg',`xreg',0); forval i = 1/`xreg' {; /*we recreate the hessian, removing the alpha parameter*/ forval j = 1/`xreg' {; mat `bread'[`i', `j'] = `temp_hessian'[`i', `j']; }; }; }; else{; nbreg `Y' `X1'-`X`xreg'' , noconstant; keep if e(sample)==1; mat `temp_hessian' = -1*invsym(e(V)); mat `bread' = J(`xreg',`xreg',0); forval i = 1/`xreg' {; forval j = 1/`xreg' {; mat `bread'[`i', `j'] = `temp_hessian'[`i', `j']; }; }; }; tempvar phat uhat; matrix betalgt = e(b); matrix cov_nd = e(V); predict `phat'; gen `uhat' = `Y' - `phat'; }; }; /*Bartlett window estimator for spatial correlation correction */ quietly{; tempname filling half_filling_for_i window complete_filling_for_ik filling_for_i; /* Declare a set of variables */ matrix `filling' = J(`xreg',`xreg',0); /* Intializes the matrix */ gen `half_filling_for_i'=0; gen `window'=1; /*initializes mat.s/var.s to be used*/ local i=1; while `i'<=_N {; /*loop through all observations*/ local j=1; replace `window'=1; while `j'<=`coord' {; /*loop through coordinates*/ if `i'==1{; tempvar dis`j'; gen `dis`j''=0; }; replace `dis`j''=abs(`coord`j''-`coord`j''[`i']); replace `window'=`window'*(1-`dis`j''/`cut`j''); replace `window'=0 if `dis`j''>=`cut`j''; local j=`j'+1; }; /* End of j loop */ capture mat drop `filling_for_i'; local k=1; while `k'<=`xreg' {; /*Iterate over each regressor, correcting for spatial dependence*/ replace `half_filling_for_i'=`X`k''[`i']*`uhat'*`uhat'[`i']*`window'; /*part of the filling for i and regressor k*/ if `xreg'==1{; mat vecaccum `complete_filling_for_ik'=`half_filling_for_i' `X1', noconstant; /*generates an a'x matrix, (1 x n)(n x 1)*/ }; else{; /*Each iteration creates complete_filling_for_ik, which is filling for this regressor*/ mat vecaccum `complete_filling_for_ik'=`half_filling_for_i' `X1'-`X`xreg'', noconstant; /*generates an a'x row vector, (1 x n)(n x k)*/ }; mat `filling_for_i'=nullmat(`filling_for_i') \ `complete_filling_for_ik'; /* the result is a compilation of all the rows, where each row pertains to a regressor (k x k) */ local k=`k'+1; }; mat `filling'=`filling' +`filling_for_i'; /*Adding variance contribution to filling*/ local i=`i'+1; }; }; /*Generate corrected VCV matrix*/ tempvar inv_hessian; matrix `inv_hessian' = inv(`bread'); mat cov_dep = (`inv_hessian'*`filling'*`inv_hessian'); /*Add postestimation matrices*/ mat se = J(`xreg',1,0); forval i = 1(1)`xreg' {; local j=1; mat se[`i', `j'] = sqrt(cov_dep[`i', `i']); }; ereturn matrix se = se; ereturn matrix hessian = `bread'; ereturn matrix opg = `filling'; /*Create output. Includes variable name, parameter estimate, uncorrected standard errors, standard t-test, corrected standard errors */ local v=`a'; di _newline(2) "Results for Spatial Errors for M-estimators"; di _newline _col(60) " Number of observations = "_N; di _col(60) "Dependent variable = `depend'"; di _col(60) "Dependent variable = `depend'"; di _newline "Variable" _col(13) "Coef Est." _col(29) "Standard SE" _col(45) "Standard t-stat" _col(65) "Spatial SE"; di "---------" _col(13) "----------" _col(29) "------------" _col(45) "---------------" _col(65) "------------"; local z=1; while `z'<=`xreg' {; tempvar beta`z' beta1`z' se`z' see`z' se1`z' se2`z' t1`z'; gen `beta`z''=betalgt[1,`z']; /*parameter estimate*/ gen `se`z''=cov_nd[`z',`z']; gen `see`z''=sqrt(`se`z''); /*uncorrected standard error*/ gen `se1`z''=cov_dep[`z',`z']; gen `se2`z''=sqrt(`se1`z''); /*corrected standard error*/ gen `t1`z'' = `beta`z'' / `see`z''; di "`ind`z''" _col(13) `beta`z'' _col(29) `see`z'' _col(45) `t1`z'' _col(65) `se2`z''; local z=`z'+1; }; ereturn matrix conley_V = cov_dep; /*placed here because for some reason, placing it before the output throws an error*/ use `all', clear; exit; end;