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  • 🙋 Equivalent of mat_capp in Mata

    I am looking for the equivalent of mat_capp/mat_rapp commands in Mata.
    Specifically, I need to perform the same operations on string matrices which are not possible in the ado-language of Stata.

  • #2
    Those two Stata commands match on Stata matrixes' row and column names. Do Mata matrixes have row or column names?


    • #3
      You might be interested in the class nhb_mt_labelmatrix which is part of lmatrixtools.(mlib/mata).
      The mata/mlib files are the backbone of the packages basetable, matrixtools, and emc.
      All of these can be found at the ssc.

      The content of lmatrixtools is:
      . mata mata describe using lmatrixtools
      (library contains 102 members)
            # bytes   type                        name and extent
              1,336   auto classdef scalar        nhb_List()
                248   auto void                    ::append()
                288   auto transmorphic colvector  ::apply()
                212   auto transmorphic colvector  ::content()
                288   auto real matrix             ::find()
                368   auto real colvector          ::frequency()
                244   auto real scalar             ::has_next()
                700   auto transmorphic colvector  ::intersection_unique()
                160   auto real scalar             ::is_empty()
                140   auto real scalar             ::len()
                704   auto transmorphic colvector  ::less_unique()
                212   auto transmorphic scalar     ::next()
                136   auto void                    ::next_init()
                208   auto void                    ::remove()
                192   auto void                    ::reset()
                168   auto string scalar           ::type()
                412   auto transmorphic colvector  ::union_unique()
                212   auto transmorphic colvector  ::unique_values()
                696   auto transmorphic vector    nhb_fp_map()
                432   auto transmorphic vector    nhb_fp_reduce()
              1,256   auto real matrix            nhb_mc_percentiles()
              1,852   auto class scalar           nhb_mc_post_ci_table()
                672   auto real matrix            nhb_mc_predictions()
              1,216   auto real colvector         nhb_mc_smoothed_data()
                416   auto real rowvector         nhb_mc_smoothed_minmax()
                592   auto classdef scalar        nhb_mc_splines()
                216   auto void                    ::add_knots()
                540   auto real matrix             ::marginal_linear()
                156   auto void                    ::new()
                208   auto real vector             ::positive()
              1,200   auto real matrix             ::restricted_cubic()
                484   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_msa_file_size_kb()
              1,252   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_msa_oswalk()
                460   auto string scalar          nhb_msa_unab()
              2,288   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_msa_variable_description()
              1,208   auto classdef scalar        nhb_mt_chi2tabulate()
                544   auto class scalar            ::column_proportions()
                132   auto class scalar            ::counts()
              1,220   auto class scalar            ::counts_with_totals()
                632   auto class scalar            ::expected()
                132   auto class scalar            ::greeks()
              1,048   auto class scalar            ::likelihood_ratio_chisquare_parts()
                380   auto void                    ::new()
              1,040   auto class scalar            ::pearson_chisquare_parts()
                656   auto class scalar            ::proportions()
                544   auto class scalar            ::row_proportions()
              4,964   auto void                    ::set()
                132   auto class scalar            ::tests()
                228   auto void                    ::verbose()
                736   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_mt_format_real_matrix()
              1,368   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_mt_justify_string_matrix()
              1,516   auto classdef scalar        nhb_mt_labelmatrix()
                664   auto void                    ::add_sideways()
                664   auto void                    ::append()
                332   auto void                    ::clear()
              1,084   auto transmorphic matrix     ::column_equations()
              1,084   auto transmorphic matrix     ::column_names()
                560   auto string colvector        ::duplicate_strip()
                156   auto real scalar             ::empty()
                596   auto void                    ::from_labelmatrix()
                672   auto void                    ::from_matrix()
                224   auto real matrix             ::hide_small()
                160   auto void                    ::new()
              2,920   auto void                    ::print()
              2,172   auto class scalar            ::regex_select()
              1,084   auto transmorphic matrix     ::row_equations()
              1,084   auto transmorphic matrix     ::row_names()
                784   auto void                    ::to_matrix()
                732   auto class scalar            ::transposed()
                268   auto transmorphic matrix     ::values()
              7,396   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_mt_mata_string_matrix_styled()
                936   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_mt_matrix_stripe()
                896   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_mt_matrix_v_sep()
                736   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_mt_resize_matrix()
              1,068   auto classdef scalar        nhb_mt_tabulate()
                544   auto class scalar            ::column_proportions()
                132   auto class scalar            ::counts()
              1,220   auto class scalar            ::counts_with_totals()
                632   auto class scalar            ::expected()
              1,048   auto class scalar            ::likelihood_ratio_chisquare_parts()
                220   auto void                    ::new()
              1,040   auto class scalar            ::pearson_chisquare_parts()
                656   auto class scalar            ::proportions()
                544   auto class scalar            ::row_proportions()
              3,112   auto void                    ::set()
              1,888   auto class scalar            ::tests()
                516   auto real colvector          ::validate_varname()
                536   auto string rowvector       nhb_muf_tokensplit()
              1,220   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_addvars()
              1,636   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_appendvars()
              1,648   auto real matrix            nhb_sae_collapse()
                964   auto string rowvector       nhb_sae_labelsof()
                472   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_logstatacode()
                692   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_markrows()
                244   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_num_scalar()
              1,612   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_stored_scalars()
                656   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_str_mult_matrix()
                884   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_subselect()
             11,308   auto class scalar           nhb_sae_summary_row()
                848   auto real rowvector         nhb_sae_unique_values()
                932   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_validate_variable()
                628   auto transmorphic matrix    nhb_sae_variable_data()
      If one of the above packages are installed, you can e.g. do:
      . sysuse auto
      (1978 Automobile Data)
      . sumat price mpg if foreign, statistics(mean ci)
                       mean  ci95% lb  ci95% ub
      Price         6384.68   5289.07   7480.29
      Mileage(mpg)    24.77     22.01     27.54
      . matrix foreign = r(sumat)
      . sumat price mpg if !foreign, statistics(mean ci)
                       mean  ci95% lb  ci95% ub
      Price         6072.42   5230.64   6914.21
      Mileage(mpg)    19.83     18.54     21.12
      . matrix domestic = r(sumat)
      . mata
      ------------------------------------------------- mata (type end to exit) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      : lmf = nhb_mt_labelmatrix()
      : lmf.from_matrix("foreign")
      : lmf.print()
                       mean  ci95% lb  ci95% ub
      Price         6384.68   5289.07   7480.29
      Mileage(mpg)    24.77     22.01     27.54
      : lmd = nhb_mt_labelmatrix()
      : lmd.from_matrix("domestic")
      : lmf.column_equations("Foreign")
      : lmd.column_equations("Domestic")
      : lmf.add_sideways(lmd)
      : lmf.print()
                    Foreign                      Domestic                    
                       mean  ci95% lb  ci95% ub      mean  ci95% lb  ci95% ub
      Price         6384.68   5289.07   7480.29   6072.42   5230.64   6914.21
      Mileage(mpg)    24.77     22.01     27.54     19.83     18.54     21.12
      : end
      I've used -sumat- from package matrixtools to get example matrices.
      Note that nhb_mt_labelmatrix also have the method append to put matrices above each other.
      Method is not yet public.
      Also, I'm quite proud of the method regex_select which can be used to select part of the matrix using regex notation.

      Have fun
      Kind regards



      • #4
        Ah, I did not read your request proporly, sorry.
        You want to use string matrices as bases.
        So far this is just for matrices of reals with labels, sorry
        Kind regards



        • #5
          Joseph, Neils thank you for responding and sorry about some confusion.

          Joseph is right that mata matrices don't have row and column names as Stata matrices do.
          I do need to concatenate string matrices because at least partially the content I want to operate on is strings.
          My row and column names are just the first row and column of the matrix.
          So far I aggregate the data in form of mata string matrices.
          The following example illustrates what I am looking for (GOOD)

          clear all
              A = "varname", "obs", "state",    "type" \ ///
                  "mpg",     "74",  "original", "input" \ ///
                  "rep78",   "69",  "modified", "input"
              B = "varname", "obs", "state",    "type" \ ///
                  "rep78",   "74",  "original", "input" \ ///
                  "dch",     "39",  "original", "calculated"
              "BAD -->"
              // Hypothetical command
              // CONCAT_MAT A,B , MATCH("varname") MODE(COLUMNS), EMPTY("~")
              GOOD= "varname", "obs", "state",    "type" , "obs", "state",    "type"\ ///
                    "mpg",     "74",  "original", "input", "~",   "~",        "~" \ ///
                    "rep78",   "69",  "modified", "input", "74",  "original", "input" \ ///
                    "dch",     "~",   "~",        "~",     "39",  "original", "calculated"
              "GOOD -->"
          So far I can see how this can be done with merging two data files, but I'd like to keep the column titles identical and avoid file operations.

          This may be is quite a niche need, so nothing like this may readily exist, but just wanted to check if there is a ready-made solution before writing my own.

          Thank you again, Sergiy


          • #6
            The following post described a related task:

            I have by now solved my problem with a custom code, so this thread can be closed.

