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  • cgmreg - storing the number of observations

    I have a problem in pubIishing the estimation tables using esttab as I am unable to store the statistics of the cgmreg results.

    When I attempt to store the estimates using estso it works, it only stores the coefficient but not the number of observation which results in publishing tables that have empty observations.

    I highly appreciate your help.

    My code is as follows:
    xi: cgmreg neonatal commonlaw rural poor birthinterval i.v106 bord age_mother un_population_density_2015 mother_works malaria_prevalence_2015 land_surface_temperature_2015 aridity_2015 rainfall_2015 dhsyear distkm_sq if distkm<=200, cluster (cohort ethnicity)
    eststo neo1
    esttab neo1 neo2 neo3 using Neonatal.tex,label nonumbers ///
    longtable nogaps p staraux starlevels( * 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) mtitles( "less than 200 Km" "less than 150 km" "less than 100 Km") compress title(\label{Table 3}Dependent Variable: Neonatal Mortality)
    stats(N,fmt(%9.0fc)) addnotes("Standard errors are clustered at the ethnic and country level using the approach of Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2011)) replace // ///

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