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  • How can I export different tables to excel using different sheets?

    Hi, I'm having a hard time trying to export three different tabstats to three different excel sheets using a loop so at the end I get sheet (indicador s_i) with the matrix results from local s_i... and finally the one with local w. The code actually estimates the tables correctly, however, the sheets get overwritten and in the end I only get the last tabstat on the three sheets. What should I do?
    *Tablas de media y desviacion estandar de los indicadores 1996 y 2010

    use indices_1996-2010
    foreach a in s_i i w {
    putexcel set indicadores_practica.xls, sheet(indicador `a') modify
    local s_i "ind1_96_3 ind2_96_2 ind3_96_8 ind4_96_7 ind4_96_17 ind5_96_4"
    local i "ind1_96_3_i ind2_96_2_i ind3_96_8_i ind4_96_7_i ind4_96_17_i ind5_96_4_i"
    local w "ind1_96_3_w ind2_96_2_w ind3_96_8_w ind4_96_13_w ind4_96_17_w ind5_96_4_w"
    foreach n in "`s_i'" "`i'" "`w'" {
    tabstat `n', stat(mean sd) save

    matlist r(StatTotal)
    matrix results = r(StatTotal)'
    matlist results
    putexcel A1=matrix(results), names nformat(number_d2)

  • #2
    Welcome to Statalist.

    You have accidentally posted your topic in Statalist's Mata Forum, which is used for discussions of Stata's Mata language. Your question will see a much larger audience if you post it in Statalist's General Forum. The matrix commands you use are part of Stata's basic matrix capabilities (described in help matrix) rather than part of Mata (described in help mata).

    Also, if you have not already done so, take a look at the Statalist FAQ linked to at the top of this page for posting guidelines and suggestions. In particular, there is strong encouragement to learn about and use CODE delimiters to present code fragments, to increase readability.


    • #3
      Thanks, I'm new on the forum so I'm still getting used to it, I really appreaciate your comment and will try on the General Forum.

