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  • Network meta-analysis using STATA trapped in "data not in pairs format"

    Hi all,

    I am a beginner for STATA. While I was trying to make a network graph with data, some problems came out. When I put command into STATA like "networkplot t1 t2", it tells me "data not in pairs format". This also happens when using the example dataset provided by "".

    study t1 t2 r1 r2 n1 n2
    1 ARI PLA 155 63 253 131
    2 ARI PLA 72 42 137 135
    3 ARI HAL 89 72 175 172
    4 ARI PLA 49 23 130 132
    5 ARI PLA 110 49 267 134

    The code goes like this:
    use "C:\Users\example_datasets\acute mania efficacy pairwise.dta", clear
    networkplot t1 t2
    Data not in pairs format, see network setup or network import for details

    What wrong with the data? Did I missed some commands? I really appreciate that if someone can help me.

  • #2
    This is the Mata subforum - you will have more luck getting an answer in the general forum.

