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  • Not clear error message

    . ************************************************** ****************************
    . ******** Pareo Criterio 13: Nom1 Ape1 Ape2 (fonético) y fecha iguales ********
    . ************************************************** ****************************
    . use restantes_$base2,clear

    . foreach k in nom1 nom2 ape1 ape2 doc tipodoc {
    2. ren `k' `k'_$base2
    3. }

    . joinby fechanto s_nom1 s_ape1 s_ape2 using restantes_$base1
    (joinby on fechanto s_nom1 s_ape1 s_ape2 is empty)

    . foreach k in nom1 nom2 ape1 ape2 doc tipodoc {
    2. ren `k' `k'_$base1
    3. }

    . foreach k in fechanto {
    2. ren `k' `k'_$base2
    3. gen `k'_$base1=`k'_$base2
    4. }

    . egen name_$base2= concat(nom1_$base2 nom2_$base2 ape1_$base2 ape2_$base2)

    . egen name_$base1= concat(nom1_$base1 nom2_$base1 ape1_$base1 ape2_$base1)

    . egen name2_$base2= concat(nom1_$base2 ape1_$base2 ape2_$base2)

    . egen name2_$base1= concat(nom1_$base1 ape1_$base1 ape2_$base1)

    . replace name_$base2= name2_$base2 if nom2_$base2=="" | nom2_$base1==""
    (0 real changes made)

    . replace name_$base1= name2_$base1 if nom2_$base2=="" | nom2_$base1==""
    (0 real changes made)

    . lev name_$base1 name_$base2

    . ren lev lev_name

    . lev doc_$base1 doc_$base2

    . ren lev lev_doc

    . gen lev= (lev_name+lev_doc)/2

    . replace lev= lev_name if tipodoc_$base1!=tipodoc_$base2 | tipodoc_$base1==3 | doc_$base2=="0" | doc_$base1=="0" | doc_$base2=="" | doc_$base1==""
    (0 real changes made)

    . egen min=min(lev),by($id_base2)
    __000001 not found

    end of do-file

    When I run this code I get this error that I can not interpret. The program tries to match names and surnames between two tables of data


  • #2
    Are you sure that a) the global id_base2 exists and that b) the variable it refers to exists?


    • #3

      1. I don't think this is a MATA problem but a Stata problem
      2. Could you please give us more information about the routine you're running.
      3. Did you set the trace on
      set trace on
      and check which is the temporal variable that is not being found (i.e., __000001 ) ?

      Pablo Bonilla

