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  • Problem of singular covariance matrix in a maximum likelihood estimation

    Dear Statalist members,

    Thanks to the helpful advice of some members, I was able to write a MATA program to maximize my own likelihood function which contains a tri-variate Normal CDF (using GHK2 mata-built-in function). However, I keep having error messages that the variance used by the GHK2 function is not definite-positive. Please find below component that the function GHK2 is calculating.

    In fact, the variance matrix is V and it contains 4 different parameters to be estimated. The program seems to work well, except this issue with the variance V.
    Can someone please advise me on what I need to do to overcome such an issue or get around it ?

    Thank you very much,

    Khalid WAZIRI.

  • #2
    Hi Khalid,

    I can't see the picture you are referring to. Also, it might be better to the command & result as a [CODE] snippet (see the buttons at the top of the text box


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sergio Correia View Post
      Hi Khalid,

      I can't see the picture you are referring to. Also, it might be better to the command & result as a [CODE] snippet (see the buttons at the top of the text box
      Thank you Sergio, I will correct that.
      Please see below the code, and the error message.

      void myds(transmorphic scalar ML, real rowvector b, real colvector lnf)
       real colvector y, xb, wr1, wr2
       real colvector sig_v2, sig_u2, rho_v1, rho_v2
      y  = moptimize_util_depvar(ML, 1)
      wr1 = moptimize_util_depvar(ML, 2)
      wr2 = moptimize_util_depvar(ML, 3)
      xb = moptimize_util_xb(ML, b, 1)
      sig_u2 = moptimize_util_xb(ML, b, 2)
      sig_v2 = moptimize_util_xb(ML, b, 3)
      rho_v1 = moptimize_util_xb(ML, b, 4)
      rho_v2 = moptimize_util_xb(ML, b, 5)
      real colvector rhov1, rhov2, sigv2, sigv, sigu2, sigu, sigma2, sigma, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6
      real matrix xe1, xe2, xe3, xg, v1, v2, v3, v1t, v2t, v3t, va
      real scalar i
      rhov1 = (exp(2 :* rho_v1) :- 1) :/ (exp(2 :* rho_v1) :+ 1)
      rhov2 = (exp(2 :* rho_v2) :- 1) :/ (exp(2 :* rho_v2) :+ 1)
      sigv2 = exp(sig_v2)
      sigv = exp(0.5 :* sig_v2)
      sigu2 = exp(sig_u2)
      sigu = exp(0.5 :* sig_u2)
      sigma2 = sigv2 :+ sigu2
      sigma  = sqrt(sigma2)
      epsilon = y :- xb
      tvar1 = (1 :/ sigma) :* normalden((epsilon :+ 0):/ sigma)
      tvar2 = normal(0 :/ sigu)
      tmp1 = epsilon :+ 0
      gam1 = rhov1 :* sigv :* tmp1 :/ sigma2
      gam2 = rhov2 :* sigv :* tmp1 :/ sigma2
      gam3 = -1 :* sigu2 :* tmp1 :/ sigma2
      kap1 = -1 :* wr1
      kap2 = -1 :* wr2
      kap3 =  0
      xe1 = gam1 :- kap1
      xe2 = gam2 :- kap2
      xe3 = gam3 :- kap3
      xg = (xe1, xe2, xe3)
      d1 = ((1 :- rhov1 :* rhov1) :* sigv2 :+ sigu2) :/ sigma2
      d2 = ((0 :- rhov1 :* rhov2) :* sigv2 :+ 0 :* sigu2) :/ sigma2
      d3 = rhov1 :* sigv :* sigu2 :/ sigma2
      d4 = ((1 :- rhov2 :* rhov2) :* sigv2 :+ sigu2) :/ sigma2
      d5 = rhov2 :* sigv :* sigu2 :/ sigma2
      d6 = sigv2 :* sigu2 :/ sigma2
      p2 = ghk2setup(10000, 5, 3, "halton")
      anti = 0
      start = .
      for (i=1; i<=nobs; i++) {
      tvar3[i,1]=ghk2(p2, xg[i,.], va, anti, start)
      lnf = ln(tvar1) :- ln(tvar2) :+ ln(tvar3)
        ml model lf myds() (frontier: $yvar $WW1 $WW2= $xvar) (sigu2:) (sigv2: ) (trhov1: ) (trhov2: ) if $Indi ==1
        mat coef_lai = .15044475  , .02353871 , -.00039912 ,  .62243346  , -1.631312  ,-1.5822784   ,0, 0
        ml init coef_lai, copy
        ml check
      Therefore, there are four parameters to be estimated in the matrix va : rhov1 , rhov2 , sigv2 , sigu2 (sigma2 is just the sum of sigv2 and sigu2).
      and the error message after ml check is :

      .   ml check
      Test 1:  Calling myds() to check if it computes log likelihood and
               does not alter coefficient vector...
      Test 2:  Calling myds() again to check if the same log likelihood value is
      Test 3:  Calling myds() to check if 1st derivatives are computed...
               test not relevant for type lf evaluators.
      Test 4:  Calling myds() again to check if the same 1st derivatives are
               test not relevant for type lf evaluators.
      Test 5:  Calling myds() to check if 2nd derivatives are computed...
               test not relevant for type lf evaluators.
      Test 6:  Calling myds() again to check if the same 2nd derivatives are
               test not relevant for type lf evaluators.
      Searching for alternate values for the coefficient vector to verify that
      myds() returns different results when fed a different coefficient vector:
      initial:       log likelihood =     -<inf>  (could not be evaluated)
      searching for feasible values ghk2: covariance matrix is not positive-definite.
      I re-attach the picture where you can see the variance matrix composition (in the code it is "va" ).

      Thanks a lot !
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Help for tvar3 component.JPG
Views:	2
Size:	52.3 KB
ID:	1401231

      Last edited by Khalid MAMAN WAZIRI; 10 Jul 2017, 12:47.


      • #4
        You might want to print the matrix to screen every time the fn is called, to see what is exactly the problem. Maybe the matrix is not symmetric, maybe one of the rhos have a typo so it's not positive def, etc. But to debug that out you need to carefully check the input values and the resulting V.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sergio Correia View Post
          You might want to print the matrix to screen every time the fn is called, to see what is exactly the problem. Maybe the matrix is not symmetric, maybe one of the rhos have a typo so it's not positive def, etc. But to debug that out you need to carefully check the input values and the resulting V.
          Thank you Sergio, actually I did that and the matrix is symmetric but it could become singular at some iterations. It depends on the parameter values passed to the likelihood function.
          Thank you for your answer!

