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  • Calling Mata

    Hallo Everyone:

    I have compiled a function in Mata and I can run it in the interactive mode (lasts about 30 minutes). This Mata function needs a series of matrices which I have already put into Mata using the "putmata" syntax. My problem is that I cannot execute the function if I call it in the "nlgrid" program. I tried to put the program and the mata into different files but that still did not work. The major part of my do-file is as follows. Thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions.

    putmata estdate myid_bodqrt0 = (myid_bodqrt1 myid_bodqrt2 myid_bodqrt3 myid_bodqrt4) ageqrt0 = (ageqrt1 ageqrt2 ageqrt3 ageqrt4) Eqrt0 = (Eqrt1 Eqrt2 Eqrt3 Eqrt4) EBqrt0 = (EBqrt1 EBqrt2 EBqrt3 EBqrt4) denomqrt0 = (denomqrt1 denomqrt2 denomqrt3 denomqrt4) deposum omega myid cntynumb, replace

    cap mata: mata drop eqexpbr()
    version 14.0
    void eqexpbr(real scalar k)

    real matrix Bu, myid_bodqrt0, myid_blc, UU, estdate, ageqrt0, denomqrt0, eqall, C1, cntynumb, C2, S, eqlogmat, Eqrt0, omega, EB

    Bu = uniqrows(myid_bodqrt0)
    myid_blc = vec(Bu)
    UU = J(rows(Bu),4,.)

    for (q=1; q<=4; q++) {
    for (i=1; i<=rows(estdate); i++) {
    if (ageqrt0[i,q]>90) {
    for (j=90; j<=ageqrt0[i,q]-1; j++) {
    denomqrt0[i,q] = denomqrt0[i,q] + (ageqrt0[i,q]-j)^k

    C1 = eqall[,1..4]
    C2 = J(rows(C1),cols(C1),cntynumb[i])
    S = C1-C2

    Sprod = S[,1]:*S[,2]:*S[,3]:*S[,4]
    pos = Sprod:==0 // pos = 1 if the countyfp is matched.
    if (sum(pos) != 0) {
    eqlogmat = select(eqall[,5..6],pos)
    for(l=1; l<=rows(eqlogmat); l++) {
    if (eqlogmat[l,2]>=estdate[i] & denomqrt0[i,q]>0 & Eqrt0[i,q]>=0) {
    Eqrt0[i,q] = Eqrt0[i,q]+(eqlogmat[l,2]-estdate[i])^k/denomqrt0[i,q]*eqlogmat[l,1]

    for (u=1; u<=rows(Bu); u++) {

    EB = vec(UU)
    stata("getmata EB, id(myid_blc) replace")

    capture program drop nleqexp
    program nleqexp
    version 14.0
    syntax [varlist(default=none)] if, at(name)
    tokenize `varlist'
    marksample touse
    local n : word count `varlist'
    local n = `n'-1 // no intercept in these cases
    tempname a b k
    local atn = colsof(`at') // includes expl var | learning-from-experience prelim coeff | intercept
    local pn = `atn'-`n' // # of learning-from-experience parameters: b, c, k
    scalar `k' = `at'[1,`n']

    scalar `a' = 0
    qui replace `1' = `a' `if' // token `1' is the depvar, here start replacing it with fitted value
    forvalues i=2/`n' {
    tempname ipar
    scalar `ipar' = `at'[1,`i'-1] // retrieve parameter values
    qui replace `1' = `1' + `ipar'*``i'' `if' // calculates function value

    capture program drop nlgrid
    program nlgrid, eclass
    version 14.0
    syntax varlist [if] [, KLOW(real 1) KSTEP(real 1) KHI(real 1)]
    marksample touse
    gettoken depvar explvar: varlist
    tempname rss b minrss binit binitmod kmin v vinit
    local parnl "k"

    forvalues k = `klow'(`kstep')`khi' {
    mata: eqexpbr(`k')
    qui reg `varlist' if `touse', noconstant
    scalar `rss' = e(rss)
    matrix `b' = e(b)
    matrix `v' = vecdiag(e(V))

    if `k' == `klow' {
    scalar `minrss' = `rss'
    matrix `binit' = `b'
    matrix `vinit' = `v'
    scalar `kmin' = `k'
    else if `rss' < `minrss' {
    scalar `minrss' = `rss'
    matrix `binit' = `b'
    matrix `vinit' = `v'
    scalar `kmin' = `k'

    di as text "k " as result `k'
    di as text "rss " as result `rss'
    di as text "k " as result `kmin'
    di as text "rss " as result `minrss'

    local nvar = colsof(`binit')
    local pvar : colfullnames(`binit') // extract variable names
    tokenize `pvar' // this way variables that reg above dropped are also dropped
    local explvar ""
    qui replace `touse' = e(sample)

    forvalues h = 1/`nvar' {
    matrix `binitmod' = nullmat(`binitmod'),`binit'[1,`h']
    local explvar "`explvar' ``h''"
    matrix `binit' = `binitmod',`kmin'
    nl eqexp @ `depvar' `explvar' if `touse', variables(`explvar') parameters(`explvar' `parnl') initial(`binit') // delta(4e-4)

    eststo r1: xi: nlgrid EquityRatio rcon2170 ROA ImputedIntRateTT RERatio NonHazPortion Bankage i.YearReporting if (EquityRatio ~=.), klow(0.8) kstep(0.4) khi(4)

    In addition, the related error messages are:

    eststo r1: xi: nlgrid EquityRatio rcon2170 ROA ImputedIntRateTT RERatio NonHazPortion Bankage
    > i.YearReporting if (EquityRatio ~=.), klow(0.8) kstep(0.4) khi(4)
    i.YearReporting _IYearRepor_1994-2013(naturally coded; _IYearRepor_1994 omitted)

    vector or matrix myid_blc not found
    stata(): 3598 Stata returned error
    eqexpbr(): - function returned error
    <istmt>: - function returned error

  • #2
    It's hidden in the help file of putmata (at the end), but basically don't use putmata/getmata within an ado file or a program. Instead, use st_data() and st_store()


    • #3
      Thank you Sergio. I can call the Mata function if I use st_data() and st_store(). By using the stata() syntax, I can also put data of different sources into Mata.


      • #4
        Hallo Everyone:

        I would like to continue this topic because I encounter a new problem when proceeding with my estimation and this problem is still related to calling Mata in the program. First at all, I state my ultimate purpose. Basically, I want to use the "nl" command to estimate a non-linear regression. The last variable, EB, is a relatively complicated function of a parameter k and data of other sources. I generate this variable by composing a Mata function "eqexpbr". In the initial value finding program "nlgrid", I try different values of k and decide to use the k that gives the smallest rss of the linear regression. In the non-linear program "nleqexp", I try to let Stata know that EB is a function of the parameter k so that Stata can carry out the iteration. However, I did not succeed. The following paragraphs are my programs. Thanks in advance for your advice and comments.

        use $pathdata/HDV_Balanceandincome.dta, clear
        drop if rssd9050 == 0
        drop if missing(rssd9999)
        sort rssd9050 DateReporting
        qui ta rssd9050 // di `r(r)' shows that there are 628 banks.
        tostring rssd9050, gen(rssd9050str)
        gen myid_blc = rssd9050str+rssd9999 // concatenate i-id and t-id to just a single id so as to use getmata, id().
        destring myid_blc, replace
        label variable myid_blc "COMBINED ID, BLC STANDS FOR BALANCE SHEET."
        qui tab YearReporting, gen(YearReporting)
        gen EB = .
        save $pathdata/HDV_Balanceandincome_mata.dta, replace

        cap mata: mata drop eqexpbr()
        version 14.0
        void eqexpbr(real scalar k)

        stata("use HDV_EQcountymatch_mata.dta, clear")
        eqall = st_data(.,"countyfp_temp1 countyfp_temp2 countyfp_temp3 countyfp_temp4 magnum time")

        stata("use HDV_BOD19942016_pureappend_mata.dta, clear")
        estdate = st_data(.,"estdate")
        myid_bodqrt0 = st_data(.,"myid_bodqrt1 myid_bodqrt2 myid_bodqrt3 myid_bodqrt4")
        ageqrt0 = st_data(.,"ageqrt1 ageqrt2 ageqrt3 ageqrt4")
        Eqrt0 = st_data(.,"Eqrt1 Eqrt2 Eqrt3 Eqrt4")
        EBqrt0 = st_data(.,"EBqrt1 EBqrt2 EBqrt3 EBqrt4")
        denomqrt0 = st_data(.,"denomqrt1 denomqrt2 denomqrt3 denomqrt4")
        deposum = st_data(.,"deposum")
        omega = st_data(.,"omega")
        myid = st_data(.,"myid")
        cntynumb = st_data(.,"cntynumb")

        Bu = uniqrows(myid_bodqrt0)
        myid_blc = vec(Bu)
        UU = J(rows(Bu),4,.)

        for (q=1; q<=4; q++) {
        for (i=1; i<=rows(estdate); i++) {
        if (ageqrt0[i,q]>90) {
        for (j=90; j<=ageqrt0[i,q]-1; j++) {
        denomqrt0[i,q] = denomqrt0[i,q] + (ageqrt0[i,q]-j)^k

        C1 = eqall[,1..4]
        C2 = J(rows(C1),cols(C1),cntynumb[i])
        S = C1-C2

        Sprod = S[,1]:*S[,2]:*S[,3]:*S[,4]
        pos = Sprod:==0 // pos = 1 if the countyfp is matched.
        if (sum(pos) != 0) {
        eqlogmat = select(eqall[,5..6],pos)
        for (l=1; l<=rows(eqlogmat); l++) {
        if (eqlogmat[l,2]>=estdate[i] & denomqrt0[i,q]>0 & Eqrt0[i,q]>=0) {
        Eqrt0[i,q] = Eqrt0[i,q]+(eqlogmat[l,2]-estdate[i])^k/denomqrt0[i,q]*eqlogmat[l,1]

        for (u=1; u<=rows(Bu); u++) {

        EB = vec(UU)

        stata("use HDV_Balanceandincome_mata.dta, clear")
        id_blc = st_data(.,"myid_blc")
        eb_bod = J(rows(id_blc),1,.)
        for (s=1; s<=rows(id_blc); s++) {
        eb_bod[s] = colsum(EB:*(myid_blc:==id_blc[s]))
        stata("save HDV_Balanceandincome_mata.dta, replace")

        capture program drop nleqexp
        program nleqexp, sortpreserve
        version 14.0
        syntax [varlist(default=none)] if, at(name)
        tokenize `varlist'
        //marksample touse
        local n : word count `varlist' // this n is the number of all parameters because #para(X) = n-1, #nl = 1.
        local n = `n'-1
        tempname a b k

        scalar `a' = 0
        qui replace `1' = `a' `if' // token `1' is the depvar, here start replacing it with fitted value

        local m = `n'-1

        forvalues i=2/`m' {
        tempname ipar
        scalar `ipar' = `at'[1,`i'-1] // retrieve parameter values
        qui replace `1' = `1' + `ipar'*``i'' `if' // calculates function value

        scalar `k' = `at'[1,`n']
        local kn = `k' // I can not implement mata: eqexpbr(`k') but have to create a local. Do you know why?
        tempvar EBNL
        mata: eqexpbr(`kn')
        generate double `EBNL' = EB `if'
        qui replace `1' = `1' + `at'[1,`n'-1]*`EBNL'


        capture program drop nlgrid
        program nlgrid, eclass
        version 14.0
        syntax varlist [if] [, KLOW(real 1) KSTEP(real 1) KHI(real 1)]
        tempname rss b minrss binit binitmod kmin v vinit
        local parnl "k"

        forvalues k = `klow'(`kstep')`khi' {
        mata: eqexpbr(`k')
        local varlistnew "`varlist' EB"
        gettoken depvar explvar: varlistnew
        marksample touse
        qui reg `varlistnew' if `touse' , noconstant
        scalar `rss' = e(rss)
        matrix `b' = e(b)
        matrix `v' = vecdiag(e(V))

        if `k' == `klow' {
        scalar `minrss' = `rss'
        matrix `binit' = `b'
        matrix `vinit' = `v'
        scalar `kmin' = `k'
        else if `rss' < `minrss' {
        scalar `minrss' = `rss'
        matrix `binit' = `b'
        matrix `vinit' = `v'
        scalar `kmin' = `k'

        di as text "k " as result `k'
        di as text "rss " as result `rss'
        di as text "k " as result `kmin'
        di as text "rss " as result `minrss'

        local nvar = colsof(`binit')
        local explvar ""
        qui replace `touse' = e(sample)

        forvalues h = 1/`nvar' {
        matrix `binitmod' = nullmat(`binitmod'),`binit'[1,`h']
        local explvar "`explvar' ``h''"
        matrix `binit' = `binitmod',`kmin'
        nl eqexp @ `depvar' `explvar' if `touse', variables(`explvar') parameters(`explvar' `parnl') initial(`binit') noconstant

        // Main Body
        eststo r1: nlgrid EquityRatio rcon2170 ROA ImputedIntRateTT RERatio NonHazPortion Bankage YearReporting1-YearReporting20 if (EquityRatio ~=.), klow(0.8) kstep(0.4) khi(2)

        To be more detailed, the error message before using the "preserve" or "restore" is:

        nleqexp returned 111
        verify that nleqexp is a function evaluator program
        could not restore sort order because variables were dropped

        The error message after using the "preserve" or "restore" is:

        nleqexp returned 111
        verify that nleqexp is a function evaluator program


        • #5
          Could anyone have a look at my problem?


          • #6
            Quick advice:
            • Show us a minimum working example (mwe) of your issue, this is just too long to read
            • Wrap the code in the CODE button on top of the textbox, it's way easier to read
            • You CANNOT use stata("use..") within a mata function like that, because the nl evaluator likely saves stuff on the dataset which you then delete. And the error message is literally this: "could not restore sort order because variables were dropped"
            • A soln might be to keep whatever thata you need to load as a mata matrix, which will also make the program much faster


            • #7
              Hallo Sergio:

              Can you tell me how to load data as a mata matrix? I have tried the following code:
              eqall = st_data(.,"countyfp_temp1 countyfp_temp2 countyfp_temp3 countyfp_temp4 magnum time")
              estdate = st_data(.,"estdate")
              // other data omitted.
              cap mata: mata drop eqexpbr()
              version 14.0
              function eqexpbr(scalar k)  
              for (q=1; q<=4; q++)  {
                 for (i=1; i<=rows(estdate); i++)  {
                    if (ageqrt0[i,q]>90)  {
                       for (j=90; j<=ageqrt0[i,q]-1; j++)  {
                          denomqrt0[i,q] = denomqrt0[i,q] + (ageqrt0[i,q]-j)^k
                 C1 = eqall[,1..4]
                 C2 = J(rows(C1),cols(C1),cntynumb[i])
                 S = C1-C2
                 Sprod = S[,1]:*S[,2]:*S[,3]:*S[,4]
                 pos = Sprod:==0 // pos = 1 if the countyfp is matched.
                    if (sum(pos) != 0)  {
                       eqlogmat = select(eqall[,5..6],pos)
                    for (l=1; l<=rows(eqlogmat); l++)  {
                       if (eqlogmat[l,2]>=estdate[i] & denomqrt0[i,q]>0 & Eqrt0[i,q]>=0)  {  
                          Eqrt0[i,q] = Eqrt0[i,q]+(eqlogmat[l,2]-estdate[i])^k/denomqrt0[i,q]*eqlogmat[l,1]
                for (u=1; u<=rows(Bu); u++)  {  
              EBm = vec(UU)
              for (s=1; s<=rows(id_blc); s++)  {
                 eb_bod[s] = colsum(EBm:*(myid_blc:==id_blc[s]))
              But when I try "mata: eqexpbr(2)", it does not go through and nothing is changed.



              • #8
                TBH not sure what is going on (although I appreciate the cleaner code syntax!)

                You probably want to try it with a very simple case, including some debuging code that prints results or text on the window, so you know if the code was run.

