This is more a comment than a question, as they say. I discovered some years ago that different syntaxes for extracting a column from a matrix have different run times. In the test below, for matrices with less than about 10,000 rows, it's faster to precompute a colvector one2N=1::N, and then do M[one2N, 3] instead of M[.,3] or M[,3] or M[|.,3\3,.|]. I found this surprising. But if one wants to extract several columns, then it seems best to do something like M[., (3,5)].
I found this to be true on a Lenovo T430 laptop with an i7 processor in Stata/IC, and on an old HP workstation with 12 cores and 12-core Stata MP.
Here's some test code.
I found this to be true on a Lenovo T430 laptop with an i7 processor in Stata/IC, and on an old HP workstation with 12 cores and 12-core Stata MP.
Here's some test code.
cap mata mata drop test() mata mata set matastrict on mata set mataoptimize on mata set matalnum off // N = rows of matrix to extract from; iter = number of repetitions; p = rowvector of cols to extract void test(real scalar N, real scalar iter, real rowvector p) { real colvector one2N real matrix M, S, t real scalar i M = runiform(N, 5) one2N = 1::N timer_clear() timer_on(1) for (i=iter;i;i--) t = M[,p] timer_off(1) timer_on(2) for (i=iter;i;i--) t = M[.,p] timer_off(2) timer_on(3) for (i=iter;i;i--) t = M[one2N,p] timer_off(3) if (cols(p)==1) { S = .,p\.,p timer_on(4) for (i=iter;i;i--) t = M[|S|] timer_off(4) } timer() } test(10,1000000 ,3) test(100,1000000,3) test(1000,100000,3) test(10000,10000,3) test(1000000,100,3) mata test(10,1000000 ,(3,5)) test(100,1000000,(3,5)) test(1000,100000,(3,5)) test(10000,10000,(3,5)) test(1000000,100,(3,5)) end