Dear Stata users,
I am running the below code to get box-cox double hurdle model( I got the codes from the paper published and told my stata user). I got the following message
invalid evaluator type
Could you please help me how to use this problem?
global listy x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
global listd x1 x2 x3
program define d_h
version 14
args Inf thetal theta2 theta3 theta4
tempvar d p z p0 pll yt
quietly gen double `d'= $ML_yl >0
quietly gen double `p'= normprob(`theta3')
quietly gen double `1'= `theta4'
quietly gen double `yt'= ($MLyl^`I'-1)/`l'
quietly gen double `z'= (`yt'-`thetal ')/(`theta2')
quietly gen double `pO'= 1-(`p'*normprob(-`z'))
quietly gen double `pl' = (($ML_yl + (1-`d'))^ (`T'-1))*`p'*normd(`z')/`theta2'
quietly replace `lnf' = ln((1-`d')*`p0' + `d'*`pl')
ml model If d_h (yt=`listy') () (yt=`listd') ()
ml init b, copy
ml maximize
I am running the below code to get box-cox double hurdle model( I got the codes from the paper published and told my stata user). I got the following message
invalid evaluator type
Could you please help me how to use this problem?
global listy x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
global listd x1 x2 x3
program define d_h
version 14
args Inf thetal theta2 theta3 theta4
tempvar d p z p0 pll yt
quietly gen double `d'= $ML_yl >0
quietly gen double `p'= normprob(`theta3')
quietly gen double `1'= `theta4'
quietly gen double `yt'= ($MLyl^`I'-1)/`l'
quietly gen double `z'= (`yt'-`thetal ')/(`theta2')
quietly gen double `pO'= 1-(`p'*normprob(-`z'))
quietly gen double `pl' = (($ML_yl + (1-`d'))^ (`T'-1))*`p'*normd(`z')/`theta2'
quietly replace `lnf' = ln((1-`d')*`p0' + `d'*`pl')
ml model If d_h (yt=`listy') () (yt=`listd') ()
ml init b, copy
ml maximize