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  • Grouping based on value


    I am completely new to Stata, but after some trial and error I am almost done with my project.

    However, for my last test I need to split a variable and assign a dummy variable for either large or small values.

    This is my current command

    set more off

    gen cd=.

    local j=2002
    while `j'<=2012{

    egen rank`j'=rank(data2025) if closdate_year==`j'
    egen perc`j'=pctile(rank`j'), p(50)
    quietly replace cd=1 if rank`j'>=perc`j' & closdate_year==`j'
    quietly replace cd=0 if rank`j'<perc`j' & closdate_year==`j'
    drop rank`j' perc`j'
    local j=`j'+1
    sort id closdate_year
    gen small=.

    quietly by id: replace small = 1 if cd==0

    replace small=0 if cd==1

    However, I wish to split this based on values, not on percent. I am basicly giving splitting my data of banks into small and large based on the value of their total assets.

    Thanks in advance!


  • #2
    Can you add a data example using -dataex-? It's hard to help if we can't run the code.


    • #3
      and could you post in the Stata forum, this one is dedicated to Mata.

