I currently have data that looks like the following:
wherein the IndividualNumber variable signifies ID of the individual. The above data is a subset of a bigger dataset, details of which are not really relevant for this question. Individuals are observed over several years. I wish to create a random variable drawn from a standard normal distribution specific to each individual over all years. In order to do this, I have first created a flag variable called Flag. I have used the putmata command to input these 2 vectors into Mata.
On Mata, I type the following code:
I am sure the code is horrendously wrong. I have first created a vector of zeroes, D. I wish to then replace elements of this vector by drawing from the standard normal distribution when the variable Flag takes on a value of 1. Any help is much apppreciated!
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(IndividualNumber Flag) 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 3 0 3 0 4 1 4 0 4 0 4 0 end
wherein the IndividualNumber variable signifies ID of the individual. The above data is a subset of a bigger dataset, details of which are not really relevant for this question. Individuals are observed over several years. I wish to create a random variable drawn from a standard normal distribution specific to each individual over all years. In order to do this, I have first created a flag variable called Flag. I have used the putmata command to input these 2 vectors into Mata.
On Mata, I type the following code:
mata: D=J(rows(IndividualNumber), 1,0) mata: for (Flag==1) { matrix D[`i',1]=rnormal(1,1,0,1) }