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  • rolling kernel regression with varying bandwidth

    Hello All,

    Glad to become a member of Statalist. I am trying to use kernel regression to predict the variance of A based on the variance of B (measured as return squared). For the variance of B, at each time t, I first create around 10,000 states (i.e. 10,000 different variances of B) and then for each state I use kernel regression based on all the available actual data of variances A and B to predict the variance of A. This process then rolls over by adding one more pair of actual observations each time (like a rolling regression). I have written the codes (see below). It worked but far too slow - it took around 40 hours for the estimation. I know there are many Stata experts on the forum, so could anyone let me know how to speed up the loop please? I heard mata is much faster. However, unfortunately I have no idea about it and given the submission deadline of my thesis, I might not have enough time to learn it at the moment.

    Any help would be immensely appreciated!!

    quietly {
    forvalues j = 300(1)1300 {
    forvalues v = 0(1)9 {
    gen vara`j'`v' = (ln((`j'+`v'/10+0.05)/aprice))^2
    forvalues i = 1/`=_N' {
    gen K2`j'`v'`i' = ((2*_pi)^(-1/2))*exp((-1/2)*((vara`j'`v'[`i']-actualvara[_n-1])/h[`i'])^2) in 1/`i'
    gen sum2`j'`v'`i' = sum(K2`j'`v'`i')
    gen w2`j'`v'`i' = K2`j'`v'`i'/sum2`j'`v'`i'[_N]
    drop K2`j'`v'`i' sum2`j'`v'`i'
    gen expectedvarb`j'`v'`i' = sum(w2`j'`v'`i'*actualvarb[_n-1])
    replace vara`j'`v' = expectedvarb`j'`v'`i'[_N] if _n ==`i'
    drop w2* expectedvarb*

    vara = variance of A
    aprice = price of A
    actualvara = actual variance of A
    actualvarb = actual variance of B
    expectedvarb = expected variance of B