I would like to know how to generate spatial weight matrix of distance in the Mata. Could I do that? Which command to use?
I'm trying to generate the matrix in STATA, with the following command:
spatwmat, name(W) xcoord(longitude) ycoord(latitude) band(0 5) standardize
However, being a very large matrix (5564x5564), the STATA is locking and does not generate the matrix.
Anyone have suggestions to help me?
Thank you.
I would like to know how to generate spatial weight matrix of distance in the Mata. Could I do that? Which command to use?
I'm trying to generate the matrix in STATA, with the following command:
spatwmat, name(W) xcoord(longitude) ycoord(latitude) band(0 5) standardize
However, being a very large matrix (5564x5564), the STATA is locking and does not generate the matrix.
Anyone have suggestions to help me?
Thank you.