With acknowledgement to this post (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1...ith-zeros?lq=1), without which I would never have gotten this far, I ask for help. I am new to the Mata side of Stata and, honestly, am sort of bumbling my way through.
I need to adapt the code from the above linked post in a loop. (Looping through levels of a variable indicating group membership). Short description--the post shows a solution to populate a matrix in cases where there are 0 observations for one of the response options when using svy, drawing on the results of estpost svy, tab: (estpost from SSC). For my purposes, I will eventually put the contents of the matrix into an Excel file. (The putexcel code is not an issue, thus I did not include it below).
I can get the Mata code to run when included in the do file (minus "matrixtabzero, cat(4) and not in a loop). Once I move it into the .ado file and a program, I start having problems. Among the many errors I've seen as I have tried things to work out the problem--the argument value (4 in the code below) isn't making it to Mata. Subsequently, there is no matrix for st_matrix to send back to Stata.
After many google searches, consultations with Intro to Stata Programming, etc., where is my mistake? Alternate suggestions to get to the same end? I should add that people in my office who are beginning Stata users will need to use this, thus I am trying to get to a solution that will be the least confusing for them to run.
Thank you,
.do file:
.ado file
I need to adapt the code from the above linked post in a loop. (Looping through levels of a variable indicating group membership). Short description--the post shows a solution to populate a matrix in cases where there are 0 observations for one of the response options when using svy, drawing on the results of estpost svy, tab: (estpost from SSC). For my purposes, I will eventually put the contents of the matrix into an Excel file. (The putexcel code is not an issue, thus I did not include it below).
I can get the Mata code to run when included in the do file (minus "matrixtabzero, cat(4) and not in a loop). Once I move it into the .ado file and a program, I start having problems. Among the many errors I've seen as I have tried things to work out the problem--the argument value (4 in the code below) isn't making it to Mata. Subsequently, there is no matrix for st_matrix to send back to Stata.
After many google searches, consultations with Intro to Stata Programming, etc., where is my mistake? Alternate suggestions to get to the same end? I should add that people in my office who are beginning Stata users will need to use this, thus I am trying to get to a solution that will be the least confusing for them to run.
Thank you,
.do file:
estpost svy: tab Q27_15 if DistrictID==4, se matrixtabzero, cat(4) // code for putexcel not shown
program matrixtabzero version 14 syntax , cat(integer) mata: mf_matrixtabzero(`cat') mata: st_matrix("totmat", d) end mata: real matrix mf_matrixtabzero(real scalar cat) { real matrix d real matrix d1 real matrix d2 /* count rows, add one for totals row assign the category for that row as .a */ r = (st_matrix("e(Row)"), .a)' ct = st_matrix("e(count)")' obs = st_matrix("e(obs)")' b = st_matrix("e(b)")' serr = st_matrix("e(se)")' lb = st_matrix("e(lb)")' ub = st_matrix("e(ub)")' d1 = (r , obs, ct, b, serr, lb, ub) /* Where there are no totals, use a standard missing value */ d1[rows(d1),5::7] = J(1,3, .) /* Check if there are no missing rows. If so, output the original returned matrices */ if (`e(r)' ==cat) d = d1 /* Else create a zero matrix and populate it with statistics for the non-missing categories*/ else { d2= J(cat,7,0) d2[.,1] =(1::cat) for (j = 1; j<=`e(r)'; j++) { for (k = 1; k<=r[j,1]; k++) { if (r[j,1]== k) { d2[k,2] = obs[j,1] d2[k,3] = ct[j,1] d2[k,4] = b[j,1] d2[k,5] = serr[j,1] d2[k,6] = lb[j,1] d2[k,7] = ub[j,1] } } } /* If rows are missing set SE-realated stats to missing */ for (k = 1; k<=cat; k++) { if (d2[k,5] == 0) d2[k,5..7] =J(1,3,.) } /* Now add the totals row */ d = d2 \ d1[rows(d1),.] st_matrix("totmat", d) } } end mata: mata mosave mf_matrixtabzero(), dir(PERSONAL) replace