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  • Memory problem to compute multivariate kernel regression using very large matrices in Mata

    Dear Statalist,

    I am currently computing a multivariate Nadaraya-Watson estimator in Mata.
    The problem is the following: I have two group identifiers G and T, a binary variable of interest D and covariates X1,...,XJ which form a matrix X. I want to estimate E(D|G=1, T=0) at values X=x in the population {G=1, T=1}. So I want to run a multivariate kernel regression for every individual in the population {G=1, T=1}. In my code, I am using matrices of size (card population {G=1, T=1}, cardinal population {G=1,T=0}). Mata already refused once to allocate memory for a 15000 by 15000 matrix with only two covariates.
    Any idea how to make my solution less memory intensive?
    I attached the formula I want to compute in a .docx file.
    I also give you some replicable code.

    Thanks in advance.

    clear all
    clear mata

    program mv_ker_stata, byable(recall) rclass

    syntax varlist(numeric min=4) [if] [in] [, kervar(name)]

    marksample touse

    tokenize `varlist', parse(" ,")

    args G T D

    tempname counter n11 n10
    tempvar isI11 isI10

    local toremove="`G' `T' `D'"
    local new_varlist: list varlist-toremove

    /*number of covariates*/
    local count_new: word count of `new_varlist'
    scalar `counter'=`count_new'

    /*create equivalent of `touse' on populations of interest*/
    quietly gen `isI11'=(`G'==1 & `T'==1 & `touse')
    quietly gen `isI10'=(`G'==1 & `T'==0 & `touse')

    /*size of populations of interest to get matrix dimensions*/
    quietly count if `isI11'==1
    scalar `n11'=r(N)
    quietly count if `isI10'==1
    scalar `n10'=r(N)
    mata: mv_ker("`new_varlist'","`D'","`counter'","`n10'"," `n11'","`isI10'","`isI11'","`kervar'")


    version 13


    mata set matastrict on
    void mv_ker(string scalar varlist, string scalar d, ///
    string scalar nvar, string scalar n10, string scalar n11, string scalar isI10, string scalar isI11, string scalar ker_var) {

    real matrix X10,X11,D,v1,v2,bwidth,prod,sum_ker,crossprod,res
    real scalar nvars,N10,N11,i
    pointer(real matrix) rowvector ptr1,ptr2

    /*vector of bandwidth (Silverman rule) for every covariate*/

    /*display population sizes to give an idea of how large the matrices are*/

    for (i=1;i<nvars;i++) {

    real matrix v3,v4,v5

    /*create huge matrix with elements (x-X_i) for every i in population {G=1,T=0} and every x in population {G=1,T=1}*/

    /*epan2 kernel*/

    /*multiply kernels for all the covariates:*/

    /*get final vector*/



    set more off
    local numlist="1000 10000 20000 30000"
    local count: word count of `numlist'
    local count_minus=`count'-1
    forvalues j=1(1)`count_minus' {

    local word`j': word `j' of `numlist'
    display `word`j''
    set seed 1
    set obs `word`j''
    gen G`j'=(uniform()>0.5)
    gen T`j'=(uniform()>0.5)
    gen D`j'=(uniform()<0.3)

    local varlist=""

    forvalues i=1(1)9 {

    gen var_`j'`i'=rnormal()
    local varlist="`varlist' var_`j'`i'"
    timer on `j'`i'
    mv_ker_stata G`j' T`j' D`j' `varlist', kervar(kervar_`j'`i')
    timer off `j'`i'
    timer list `j'`i'
    Attached Files

  • #2
    It is a complex program and it is difficult to say precisely what you should do to make the program less greedy in terms of memory. The only thing I can say is that in a similar problem using univariate kernel estimation (kernel matching) I had to loop over observations in order to be able to make the computations and not be limited by memory. Besides that I tried your code on a machine with 39 GB memory and it seemed to work (But I guess you know that by having tried your program on a lower scale ). A 15000x15000 matrice is around 1,8 GB, so you will run out of resources quite quickly if working on a laptop. So I think you might need to loop over observations when you try to compute the matrix prod.


    • #3
      Thanks for the answer. My computer has a RAM capacity of 8 GB and memory allocation failed when matrix size reached 15000x15000 with two covariates. Won't looping be extremely slow in MATA. The thing is, I wish to make the program available for other users and I would like it to be as user-friendly (i.e fast) as possible. I have also considered coding it in C++ and creating a plugin to Stata but I cannot even make the hello.cpp plugin work...


      • #4
        the drawback with the C/C++ plugins is that there are not portable. Maybe Java would be a better idea in that respect. Yes, looping would be slower, but it still can be worthwile to try. Depends on how fast you want your program to run. If it takes weeks then it is problematic, but if it's ½ an hour or even a few hours for large samples, then I will still use the program in this form. It is a problem with Non-parametric methods that they are computionally intensive and you have a curse of dimensionality. Given that you're program in its present form and with samples with 15000 observations gives results in a reasonable amount of time, I think looping will still be an option. I think Mata is 10 times slower then C in terms of loops. There are a few old posts by Bill Gould (on this list and on the old one) about this issue. You should try to test for yourself how the vectorized version of some functions compares to the same function written in a loop, for example computing the sum of a vector. I have no idea how increasing the number of covariates will affect the computing time though.


        • #5
          I have ultimately opted for an intermediary solution: instead of looping over all the individuals to get the "prod" matrix, I split the big matrices into smaller ones according to a certain grid if the size of the matrix is too large (i.e if the matrix has row_length or col_length>=10000, I split the matrix into 5000x5000 blocks). The performance remains ok, at least for datasets with 50000 or fewer observations and there are no memory problems anymore.


          • #6
            looks to me like a good solution

