Hi all
My goal is to calculate an index using mata for multiple data files (200+ cities) in the working directory, "d:/cities". I have to use mata because some matrix operations are fast for my analysis. I calculate an index using mata, and save it to a temp file. The following code works for the one data file (one city):
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
clear all
infile str4 cityname jobs latitude longitude using "d:/cities/nyc.txt", clear
drop if jobs==0
jobs = st_data(.,"jobs")
n = length(jobs)
d = J(n,n,.) // Initiate the pair-wise distance matrix
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
for (j=1;j<=n;j++) {
d[i,j]=exp(-sqrt((longitude [i]-longitude [j])^2+(latitude [i]-latitude [j])^2))
index = cross(cross(jobs,d)',jobs)/sum(jobs)/sum(jobs)
st_numscalar("myindex", index)
local myindex=index
tempname memhold
postfile `memhold' str4 cityname myindex using "d:\cities\output\index_out.dta", replace
post `memhold' (cityname[1]) (`myindex')
postclose `memhold'
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
But if I use a foreach loop to repeat the above calculation for many cities, the code does not go through, but stops with an error message, -- break --
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
clear all
cd "d:/cities"
fs *.txt // Get the list of the file names
foreach f in `r(files)' {
infile str4 cityname jobs latitude longitude using "d:/cities/`f'", clear
jobs = st_data(.,"jobs")
n = length(jobs)
d = J(n,n,.) // Initiate the pair-wise distance matrix
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
for (j=1;j<=n;j++) {
d[i,j]=exp(-sqrt((longitude [i]-longitude [j])^2+(latitude [i]-latitude [j])^2))
index = cross(cross(jobs,d)',jobs)/sum(jobs)/sum(jobs) // This index is a scalar.
st_numscalar("myindex", index)
local myindex=index
tempname memhold
postfile `memhold' str4 cityname myindex using "d:\cities\output\index_out.dta", replace
post `memhold' (cityname[1]) (`myindex')
postclose `memhold'
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
I expected `myindex' values are stored in the "d:\cities\output\index_out.dta" for each city, but the program does not run. I would really appreciate it if someone could provide some help to tackle the problem.
Bill K.
My goal is to calculate an index using mata for multiple data files (200+ cities) in the working directory, "d:/cities". I have to use mata because some matrix operations are fast for my analysis. I calculate an index using mata, and save it to a temp file. The following code works for the one data file (one city):
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
clear all
infile str4 cityname jobs latitude longitude using "d:/cities/nyc.txt", clear
drop if jobs==0
jobs = st_data(.,"jobs")
n = length(jobs)
d = J(n,n,.) // Initiate the pair-wise distance matrix
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
for (j=1;j<=n;j++) {
d[i,j]=exp(-sqrt((longitude [i]-longitude [j])^2+(latitude [i]-latitude [j])^2))
index = cross(cross(jobs,d)',jobs)/sum(jobs)/sum(jobs)
st_numscalar("myindex", index)
local myindex=index
tempname memhold
postfile `memhold' str4 cityname myindex using "d:\cities\output\index_out.dta", replace
post `memhold' (cityname[1]) (`myindex')
postclose `memhold'
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
But if I use a foreach loop to repeat the above calculation for many cities, the code does not go through, but stops with an error message, -- break --
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
clear all
cd "d:/cities"
fs *.txt // Get the list of the file names
foreach f in `r(files)' {
infile str4 cityname jobs latitude longitude using "d:/cities/`f'", clear
jobs = st_data(.,"jobs")
n = length(jobs)
d = J(n,n,.) // Initiate the pair-wise distance matrix
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
for (j=1;j<=n;j++) {
d[i,j]=exp(-sqrt((longitude [i]-longitude [j])^2+(latitude [i]-latitude [j])^2))
index = cross(cross(jobs,d)',jobs)/sum(jobs)/sum(jobs) // This index is a scalar.
st_numscalar("myindex", index)
local myindex=index
tempname memhold
postfile `memhold' str4 cityname myindex using "d:\cities\output\index_out.dta", replace
post `memhold' (cityname[1]) (`myindex')
postclose `memhold'
************************************************** ************************************************** *****
I expected `myindex' values are stored in the "d:\cities\output\index_out.dta" for each city, but the program does not run. I would really appreciate it if someone could provide some help to tackle the problem.
Bill K.