I see, thank you Sebastian!
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. webuse lutkepohl2 . ardl ln_inv ln_inc ln_consump, regstore(ardl) . estimates restore ardl . local cmdline `"`e(cmdline)'"' . gettoken cmd cmdline : cmdline . newey `cmdline' lag(1)
webuse lutkepohl2 ardl ln_inv ln_inc ln_consump, regstore(ardl) estimates restore ardl local cmdline `"`e(cmdline)'"' gettoken cmd cmdline : cmdline newey `cmdline' lag(1)
ardl ln_inv ln_inc ln_consump, ec regstore(ardl_ec) estimates restore ardl_ec local cmdline `"`e(cmdline)'"' gettoken cmd cmdline : cmdline newey `cmdline' lag(1)
. webuse lutkepohl2 . ardl ln_inv ln_inc ln_consump, regstore(ardl) . estimates restore ardl . local cmdline `"`e(cmdline)'"' . gettoken cmd cmdline : cmdline . newey `cmdline' lag(1) . nlcom (_b[ln_inc] / (1 - _b[L.ln_inv])) ((_b[ln_consump] + _b[L.ln_consump] + _b[L2.ln_consump]) / (1 - _b[L.ln_inv])) . ardl ln_inv ln_inc ln_consump, ec regstore(ardl_ec) . estimates restore ardl_ec . local cmdline `"`e(cmdline)'"' . gettoken cmd cmdline : cmdline . newey `cmdline' lag(1) . nlcom (_b[ln_inc] / (- _b[L.ln_inv])) (_b[ln_consump] / (- _b[L.ln_inv]))
tsset ORDER, daily ardl Y X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11, trendvar(ORDER) exog(X12 X13 X14) ec lags(2,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
Maximum number of iterations exceeded
gen X3s = X3 / 1000 ardl Y X1-X2 X3s X4-X11, trend(ORDER) exog(X12-X14) ec lags(2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
Model has k=11 weakly exogenous variables, but Pesaran/Shin/Smith (2001) critical values are only tabulated up to k=10.
Model has k=11 weakly exogenous variables, but Pesaran/Shin/Smith (2001) critical values are only tabulated up to k=10.