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  • Dear Daniel,

    Thanks a lot for this quick and neat reply. My bad for not having kept in mind the point on the non-standard distributions from the Pesaran et al. paper.

    As a side thought, if I may make a suggestion for further development of the ardl command: It would be nice to include an option to run nonlinear asymetric ardl models such as proposed by Shin et al. (2014). I am aware of the command nardl by Marco Sunder, I have used it quite a lot and it works fairly well, but as far as I know it doesn't allow for non-zero threshold in partial sum decompositions. That would be a nice improvement, and it will would be great to have it all in the same place within the ardl command. In the meantime, your command works well with hand-made partial sum decompositions.

    Many thanks again for your command and your time,




    • Dear Louison,

      -ardl- and -nardl- are separate projects and I do not see any merging of functionality happening in the future. Merging functionality / code would require a substantial work effort and it is probably better to keep them as separate, tested entities. But many thanks for pointing towards the -nardl- command and for your suggestion.



      • Dear Sebastian:
        I tried run "net install ardl, from(" in my STATA-14 but i always get the error messages as followed:

        net install ardl, from(
        connection timed out -- see help r(2) for troubleshooting either
        1) is not a valid URL, or
        2) could not be contacted, or
        3) is not a Stata download site (has no stata.toc file).

        Most was due to some restrictions to Internet access. what should i do?

        Much appreciated.


        • Originally posted by John heric View Post
          Dear Sebastian:
          I tried run "net install ardl, from(" in my STATA-14 but i always get the error messages as followed:

          net install ardl, from(
          connection timed out -- see help r(2) for troubleshooting
          1) is not a valid URL, or
          2) could not be contacted, or
          3) is not a Stata download site (has no stata.toc file).

          Most was due to some restrictions to Internet access. what should i do?

          Much appreciated.
          I have sent you a private message here on Statalist.


          • Dear Sebastian,
            Dear all,

            I applied the bounds testing approach (developed by Pesaran et al. (2001)) to a specific case and I have a question regarding the long-run coefficients.
            According to Giles’s blog (2013:, and further papers on the bounds testing approach, there is a correspondence between the coefficients of the long-run equation and those of the "unconstrained error correction model":

            Long-run equation
            yt = α0 + α1x1t + α2x2t + vt

            Unconstrained ECM:
            Δyt = β0 + Σ βiΔyt-i + ΣγjΔx1t-j + ΣδkΔx2t-k + θ0yt-1 + θ1x1t-1 + θ2 x2t-1 + et


            As explained by Giles, the long-run coefficients can be extracted from the unconstrained ECM:
            the long-run coefficients for x1 and x2 are -(θ1/ θ0)= α1 and -(θ2/ θ0)= α2 respectively.

            However, according to my results, this “coefficients correspondence” is not realized and I am unable to understand why.
            I already posted this question a few months ago but since then, I read the above mentioned blog of Giles and a few papers in which the bounds testing procedure was applied. Most of the authors mention this “coefficients correspondence”. Thus, I am confused and would need some further help.

            Here are my results:

            Unconstrained ECM
            ARDL(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            Dependent Variable: D(Y)
            Sample (adjusted): 1973 2013
            Number of obs = 41 after adjustments
            Variable Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t|
            D(Y(-1)) -0.149489 0.118913 -1.257125 0.2208
            D(X1) -0.06227 0.075834 -0.821134 0.4197
            D(X2) -1.641474 0.493317 -3.32742 0.0028
            D(X3) 0.135946 0.273259 0.4975 0.6234
            D(X4) 7.858689 2.3929 3.28417 0.0031
            D(X5) -0.468855 0.108366 -4.326576 0.0002
            D(X6) -0.011257 0.01183 -0.951626 0.3508
            D(X7) -101.6557 142.0518 -0.715624 0.4811
            Y(-1) -0.945555 0.261508 -3.615784 0.0014
            X1(-1) -0.036331 0.012209 -2.975747 0.0066
            X2(-1) -0.632525 0.293756 -2.15323 0.0416
            X3(-1) -0.149936 0.139885 -1.071849 0.2944
            X4(-1) -2.337494 1.939226 -1.205375 0.2398
            X5(-1) -0.291691 0.10937 -2.667013 0.0135
            X6(-1) -0.012298 0.015918 -0.772534 0.4473
            X7(-1) -66.49316 154.2351 -0.431116 0.6702
            C 28.02979 7.87529 3.559208 0.0016
            R-squared 0.952677 Mean dependent var -0.130624
            Adjusted R-squared 0.921128 S.D. dependent var 2.622106
            S.E. of regression 0.736398 Akaike info criterion 2.519657
            Sum squared resid 13.01475 Schwarz criterion 3.230162
            Log likelihood -34.65296 Hannan-Quinn criter. 2.778384
            F-statistic 30.19684 Durbin-Watson stat 2.025592
            Prob(F-statistic) 0

            Long-run equation
            Long-run equation
            Dependent Variable: Y
            Sample (adjusted): 1971 2013
            Number of obs = 43 after adjustments
            Variable Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t|
            C 32.37835 8.3102 3.896217 0.0004
            X1 -0.032359 0.012787 -2.530517 0.016
            X2 -1.013083 0.25197 -4.020655 0.0003
            X3 -0.136791 0.156776 -0.872522 0.3889
            X4 2.914955 2.137927 1.363449 0.1814
            X5 -0.389945 0.165139 -2.36131 0.0239
            X6 -0.030134 0.010307 -2.923763 0.006
            X7 -294.3322 158.4416 -1.85767 0.0716
            R-squared 0.571425 Mean dependent var 1.861392
            Adjusted R-squared 0.48571 S.D. dependent var 1.955403
            S.E. of regression 1.402299 Akaike info criterion 3.680344
            Sum squared resid 68.82546 Schwarz criterion 4.008009
            Log likelihood -71.12739 Hannan-Quinn criter. 3.801176
            F-statistic 6.666562 Durbin-Watson stat 2.387055
            Prob(F-statistic) 0.000049 Wald F-statistic 4.324163
            Prob(Wald F-statistic) 0.001537

            For example, if I want to get the long-run coefficient of the variable X1: - (-0.036331)/( -0.945555)= -0.03842 is not equal to -0.032359
            I can not find what I am doing wrong…and would appreciate some help.

            Thank you very much.
            Kind regards


            • Mahana Noorma:
              Please understand that we usually cannot give advice on EViews.

              As far as I know, the long-run equation is estimated separately in EViews and not obtained from the unrestricted ECM. When the short-run dynamics are ignored, it is clear that the estimates will differ.


              • Dear Sebastian,

                Thank you so much for your reply.

                Kind regards


                • Dear All,

                  Currently, I am investigating ardl using
                  (slide 9)

                  . webuse lutkepohl2
                  . ardl ln_inv ln_inc ln_consump , maxlag(8) maxcomb(1500) ec dots fast
                  D.ln_inv | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
                  ADJ |
                  ln_inv |
                  L1. | -.1882187 .063747 -2.95 0.004 -.3152092 -.0612281
                  LR |
                  ln_inc | -1.381501 1.827062 -0.76 0.452 -5.021196 2.258194
                  ln_consump | 2.272314 1.875768 1.21 0.230 -1.464407 6.009035
                  SR |
                  ln_inv |
                  LD. | -.1358362 .1031304 -1.32 0.192 -.3412826 .0696101
                  L2D. | -.0336715 .1069373 -0.31 0.754 -.2467014 .1793585
                  L3D. | .2087659 .1018203 2.05 0.044 .0059294 .4116025
                  L4D. | .4012027 .097397 4.12 0.000 .207178 .5952275
                  ln_consump |
                  D1. | 1.36573 .4398616 3.10 0.003 .4894806 2.241979
                  _cons | -.0030844 .0657358 -0.05 0.963 -.1340368 .127868

                  So, LR and SR formula will be rewrite as below.
                  How to calculate constant parameter for LR?
                  Does LR and SR formula rewrite correct?

                  ln_inv = -1.381501 ln_inc + 2.272314 ln_consump + constant

                  D.ln_inv = -.1882187 ECT(t-1) -.1358362 D.ln_inv (t -1) -.0336715 D.ln_inv (t -2) + .2087659 D.ln_inv (t -3)+ .4012027 D.ln_inv (t -3)
                  + 1.36573 D.ln_consump (t) -.0030844

                  . ardl ln_inv ln_inc ln_consump , maxlag(8) maxcomb(1500) ec1 dots fast
                  D.ln_inv | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
                  ADJ |
                  ln_inv |
                  L1. | -.1882187 .063747 -2.95 0.004 -.3152092 -.0612281
                  LR |
                  ln_inc |
                  L1. | -1.381501 1.827062 -0.76 0.452 -5.021196 2.258194
                  ln_consump |
                  L1. | 2.272314 1.875768 1.21 0.230 -1.464407 6.009035
                  SR |
                  ln_inv |
                  LD. | -.1358362 .1031304 -1.32 0.192 -.3412826 .0696101
                  L2D. | -.0336715 .1069373 -0.31 0.754 -.2467014 .1793585
                  L3D. | .2087659 .1018203 2.05 0.044 .0059294 .4116025
                  L4D. | .4012027 .097397 4.12 0.000 .207178 .5952275
                  ln_inc |
                  D1. | -.2600243 .3042968 -0.85 0.396 -.8662145 .346166
                  ln_consump |
                  D1. | 1.793422 .5861078 3.06 0.003 .6258353 2.961008
                  _cons | -.0030844 .0657358 -0.05 0.963 -.1340368 .127868
                  How to calculate constant parameter for LR?
                  Does LR formula rewrite same as CASE1 ? I still confused "ln_inc L1."

                  ln_inv = -1.381501 ln_inc + 2.272314 ln_consump + constant
                  LR |
                  ln_inc |
                  L1. | -1.381501 1.827062 -0.76 0.452 -5.021196 2.258194
                  ln_consump |
                  L1. | 2.272314 1.875768 1.21 0.230 -1.464407 6.009035

                  Thank you very much!


                  • Hi Bui,

                    I am not sure whether I understood your question fully, but here are a couple of statements that may be helpful:
                    • The long-run relationship will be the same for options ec and ec1. Most short-run coefficients will be unaffected too.
                    • In order to pull the constant into the long-run relationship, use option restricted.
                    • I have double-checked the calculation of the constant in the long-run relationship and could not find any mistake.
                    Please also see the help file for ardl. In particular, sections "Deterministic components", "Long-run coefficients expressed in time t or t-1", and "The error-correction term" should help you. If anything remains unclear, please let me know.


                    • Dear Mr.Schneider,
                      I can executed long-run including coefficient parameter. However, when use option "restricted.", coefficient of SR term is hidden. Did you know why it occurred?

                      Thank you!
                      Last edited by bui quang hien; 03 Mar 2017, 14:19.


                      • The constant term can either be included in the short-run part or in the long-run relationship but not in both at the same time.


                        • Dear Mr.Kripfganz,
                          SR |
                          golds |
                          D1. | .1662788 .0740476 2.25 0.027 .0196315 .3129261
                          reer |
                          D1. | -.4335587 .1802798 -2.40 0.018 -.7905934 -.076524
                          D1. | .0078001 .0026632 2.93 0.004 .0025257 .0130744
                          LD. | -.0067299 .0024835 -2.71 0.008 -.0116484 -.0018115
                          _cons | -19.7153 12.30821 -1.60 0.112 -44.09106 4.660461

                          . matrix list e(lags)

                          lrm2s golds oil stock reer interest ex cpi
                          r1 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0

                          May I ask why some coefficient were hidden in ADRL (1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0)? Ex: oil, stock, ex, cpi
                          I try to compare with
                 The result give all coefficient of all variables.
                          Click image for larger version

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                          Originally posted by Sebastian Kripfganz View Post
                          The constant term can either be included in the short-run part or in the long-run relationship but not in both at the same time.

                          Last edited by bui quang hien; 19 Mar 2017, 12:38.


                          • The lag classification that the author uses in that linked NRB paper is not conventional. He counts the number of lags in the error-correction representation of the model, while the usual way would be to count the lags in the levels representation. This is what ardl stores in the matrix e(lags). Compare with the ardl output when you do not use the ec or ec1 option. Please also see the remarks sections in the ardl help file on "Terminology" and "Long-run coefficients expressed in time t or t-1", as well as slides 8, 9, and 14 to 17 in my Stata Conference presentation:


                            • Dear Sebastian,
                              Dear all,

                              I am using your program for my Master thesis and it has helped me a lot. So first of all, a big thank you!

                              I would like to test for structural break(s) in my model at a known period in time, with a particular interest on if the coefficients for some variables have changed. Using a normal OLS regression I would have included interaction terms for the variables of interest. (eg Y = c+ x1+x2 + D + D*x1 where D=1 after the break point). But since I have a mixture of I(0) and I(1) variables where the I(1) variables seems to be cointegrated I want to use ardl.

                              My question is therefore: can I use a similar approach in the ardl frame work? What would the model look like then?
                              If not, are you aware of any other approach I can use to test for a structural break in my model?

                              Thank you very much in advance!



                              • Currently, the ardl module does not accept interaction terms with the factor-variables notation. However, you can generate your interaction terms first as new variables and then run the ardl command more or less as usual, e.g.
                                gen x1_dummy = x1 * dummy
                                ardl y x1 x2 x1_dummy, exog(dummy)
                                Note that I have specified the break-point dummy with the exog() option because I suppose that you do now want this dummy to be lagged.

                                In addition, you maybe want to further restrict the number of lags for the interaction term to be the same as for the x1 variable itself. There is no option to directly achieve this restriction, but you can proceed in two steps and use the lags() option at the second step:
                                ardl y x1 x2 x1_dummy, exog(dummy) lags(. 3 . 3)
                                assuming in this example that the optimal lag order for x1 obtained in the first step was 3.

                                Last but not least, you should be aware that the critical values of the Pesaran et al. (2001) bounds test (estat btest) are no longer valid when you have such structural breaks.

                                Finally, if you want to use any standard postestimation commands usually available after the regress command, you can store the underlying regress estimation results from ardl with the regstore() option, e.g.
                                ardl y x1 x2 x1_dummy, exog(dummy) regstore(ardl_results)
                                estimates restore ardl_results
                                // followed by any regress postestimation command of your choice

