This is the point: Yes, but (only) by save. (It would be interesting to be wrong on this.)
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* about to change the data in memory preserve keep `gr' `varlist' if strpos("`md'", "m") == 0 { bysort `gr' `varlist': keep if _n == 1 // drop duplicates } isid `gr' `varlist', sort .... (Program syntax) * save work tempfile work qui save "`work'" * restore original data restore merge m:1 `gr' `varlist' using "`work'", assert(match) nogen
isid `gr' `varlist', sort
by `gr' `varlist': gen byte `temp' = _n [...] merge 1:1 `gr' `varlist' `temp' using "`orgfile'"
process using "filename.dta", replace
global S_FN = <the name of the file at the start of my program>