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  • Mundlak test interpretation

    I have seen from previous discussions that the Mundlak regression can be used as a sort of Hausman test. I have run the regression however not sure how to interpret the results i.e. tell if the coefficients are significant which would make them endogeneous. Do I just use the single reported p value?

  • #2
    as per FAQ, please post what you typed and what Stata gave you back to increase your chances of getting helpful replies.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      @ Jeremiah: in addition to the suggestion Carlo very appropriately pointed out, I wish to remind that the Mundlak test is a user-written command.

      If you type
      . help mundlak
      You will get this general information:

      The command mundlak estimates random-effects regression models
      (xtreg, re) adding group-means of variables in indepvars which
      vary within groups. This technique was proposed by Mundlak (1978)
      as a way to relax the assumption in the random-effects estimator
      that the observed variables are uncorrelated with the unobserved
      variables. Additionally, the degree of statistical significance
      of the estimated coefficients on the group means can be used to
      test whether such assumption holds for individual regressors. See
      also Chapter 10 in Wooldridge (2010) and Chapter 11 in Greene
      And have access to download the commands.

      Please keep also in mind that you're supposed to perform e(sample) after a fixed-effects model in other to perform the Mundlak test.


      Last edited by Marcos Almeida; 17 Feb 2015, 09:05.
      Best regards,



      • #4
        @ Jeremiah:

        Indeed, as Carlo already underlined (by the way, it is also well stated in FAQ #10 and #12), when you said you've "run a regression", I don't know if it was -xtreg-, for example, or something else.

        Trying to hazard a guess: when you say you are not sure on how to

        tell if the coefficients are significant which would make them endogeneous
        I wonder if you have used -xtivreg- when running your regression. If so, to my modest knowledge (and maybe I'm wrong), there is no option yet to perform the Mundlak test under such conditions.


        Best regards,



        • #5

          Apologies for not making myself more clear. I downloaded the Mundlak package and then run my regression using the command 'mundlak' in the beginning. STATA then reported a table with two columns for RE and Mundlak which I assume to be the variable coefficients? The bottom of table then had other information such as p value, chi squared, sigm_u and sigma_e.
          @Marcos I was unaware that I had to perform the e(sample). I have looked in the Woolridge textbook but haven't been able to a step by step instruction on how to conduct this test. Would you be able to briefly explain the steps?

          After I've confirmed the procedure I will then post my results for interpretation help.


          • #6
            I had a brief look at the user-written mundlak command. The p-value at the bottom of the table seems to refer to the Wald chi2 test for the joint significance of all regressors in the model, not just the additional time averages. It is thus not helpful in this context.

            After running the mundlak command you can type
            estimates replay Mundlak
            to display the full regression results for the augmented model. There you can directly have a look at the significance of the included time averages, or subsequently test for their joint significance with the postestimation command test.

            Alternatively, without using the mundlak command, you can also construct the time averages by yourself and run the Mundlak regression (alternative name: correlated random effects regression) with the xtreg, re command, as explained for example in my post #9 in the following thread:


            • #7
              Thank you so much sebastian, exactly what I needed to know.


              • #8
                Sebastian Kripfganz: Thank you for your post. I just followed the instructions you gave on post #9 of post376701. Here, I was able to keep my instrument (I used the xtivreg command). Is this basically the work around for a Mundlak with IV?

                foreach variable of varlist $e $x {
                by newid: egen `variable'_mean = mean(`variable')

                eststo clear
                eststo: quietly xtivreg $e $x $i , fe
                eststo: quietly xtivreg $e $x $i *_mean, re


                Thank you in advance!
                Attached Files
                Based on a Hausman/test I have to choose a fixed model instead of a random effects model. I cannot use -xtreg, fe- because I have the time-invariant variable Male
                Last edited by Sophia Kan; 27 Jul 2015, 13:41.


                • #9
                  Dear all,
                  I would like to share with you a doubt. I have a dynamic model estimated by xtabond2:
                  HTML Code:
                  . xtabond2 zROA_EST_w99 l.zROA_EST_w99 ZMunificence_KH ZDynamism_KH zSIZE_FIRM_IMP i.ORIGIN_DICH i.DUALITY zSIZE_BOARD zSIZE_TMT zAGETMT LEVEL_KW  i.PARTIAL_CHANGE_MISSION zCOG_YEARS_COWORKINGw_95   zPEOI, gmm(zROA_EST_w99, lag(2 3)) gmm(zSIZE_FIRM_IMP , lag(2 4)) gmm( zSIZE_BOARD, lag(3 4)) gmm(zSIZE_TMT, lag(2 3))  iv(ZMunificence_KH ZDynamism_KH i.ORIGIN_DICH i.DUALITY zAGETMT LEVEL_KW  i.PARTIAL_CHANGE_MISSION zCOG_YEARS_COWORKINGw_95   zPEOI ) twostep robust  arte(3)
                  Under the theoretical approach of my topic, size's variables as size of firm, size of board and size of tmt should be treat as endogenous variables. However, the rest of variables with regard with the output of xtabond2 iv(var) could be treat as exogenous taking in account the Hansen test=0.450 and the Difference test=0.767

                  HTML Code:
                      Hansen test excluding group:     chi2(79)   =  79.93  Prob > chi2 =  0.450
                      Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(9)    =   5.72  Prob > chi2 =  0.767
                  I wonder if I previously run the Mundlak test, It would improve the addres of the endogeneity issue of the model
                  HTML Code:
                  HTML Code:
                  |             Variable |     RE     |  Mundlak   |
                  |      ZMunificence_KH |     -0.074 |     -0.064 |
                  |         ZDynamism_KH |      0.085 |      0.082 |
                  |       zSIZE_FIRM_IMP |      0.114 |     -0.004 |
                  |          ORIGIN_DICH |     -0.129 |     -0.138 |
                  |              DUALITY |      0.313 |      0.594 |
                  |          zSIZE_BOARD |      0.112 |      0.058 |
                  |            zSIZE_TMT |     -0.083 |     -0.065 |
                  |              zAGETMT |     -0.069 |     -0.037 |
                  |             LEVEL_KW |      0.005 |      0.081 |
                  | PARTIAL_CHANGE_MIS~N |     -0.077 |     -0.051 |
                  | zCOG_YEARS_COWORK~95 |      0.045 |     -0.004 |
                  |                zPEOI |     -0.072 |     -0.054 |
                  | mean__ZMunificence~H |            |     -0.046 |
                  |   mean__ZDynamism_KH |            |      0.014 |
                  | mean__zSIZE_FIRM_IMP |            |      0.129 |
                  |        mean__DUALITY |            |     -0.636 |
                  |    mean__zSIZE_BOARD |            |      0.133 |
                  |      mean__zSIZE_TMT |            |     -0.005 |
                  |        mean__zAGETMT |            |     -0.033 |
                  |       mean__LEVEL_KW |            |     -0.175 |
                  | mean__PARTIAL_CHAN~N |            |     -0.485 |
                  | mean__zCOG_YEARS_~95 |            |      0.072 |
                  |          mean__zPEOI |            |     -0.043 |
                  |                _cons |      0.041 |      0.368 |
                  |                    N |        799 |        799 |
                  |                  N_g |    121.000 |    121.000 |
                  |                g_min |      2.000 |      2.000 |
                  |                g_avg |      6.603 |      6.603 |
                  |                g_max |     10.000 |     10.000 |
                  |                  rho |      0.298 |      0.298 |
                  |                 rmse |      0.723 |      0.720 |
                  |                 chi2 |     37.375 |     54.936 |
                  |                    p |      0.000 |      0.000 |
                  |                 df_m |     12.000 |     23.000 |
                  |                sigma |      0.857 |      0.857 |
                  |              sigma_u |      0.468 |      0.468 |
                  |              sigma_e |      0.718 |      0.718 |
                  |                 r2_w |      0.029 |      0.040 |
                  |                 r2_o |      0.069 |      0.108 |
                  |                 r2_b |      0.139 |      0.201 |
                  . estimates replay Mundlak
                  Model Mundlak
                  Random-effects GLS regression                   Number of obs     =        799
                  Group variable: N_COMPANY                       Number of groups  =        121
                  R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
                       within  = 0.0405                                         min =          2
                       between = 0.2005                                         avg =        6.6
                       overall = 0.1083                                         max =         10
                                                                  Wald chi2(23)     =      54.94
                  corr(u_i, X)   = 0 (assumed)                    Prob > chi2       =     0.0002
                                    zROA_EST_w99 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 ZMunificence_KH |  -.0641728   .0334043    -1.92   0.055     -.129644    .0012985
                                    ZDynamism_KH |   .0819554   .0420622     1.95   0.051     -.000485    .1643958
                                  zSIZE_FIRM_IMP |  -.0043049   .0842493    -0.05   0.959    -.1694306    .1608208
                                     ORIGIN_DICH |  -.1378076   .1122247    -1.23   0.219     -.357764    .0821488
                                         DUALITY |   .5937757   .1418436     4.19   0.000     .3157674    .8717839
                                     zSIZE_BOARD |   .0579195   .0679891     0.85   0.394    -.0753366    .1911756
                                       zSIZE_TMT |  -.0653475   .0650647    -1.00   0.315    -.1928719     .062177
                                         zAGETMT |  -.0374435   .0567624    -0.66   0.509    -.1486957    .0738087
                                        LEVEL_KW |   .0813778   .1071567     0.76   0.448    -.1286455    .2914011
                          PARTIAL_CHANGE_MISSION |  -.0511701    .122346    -0.42   0.676    -.2909638    .1886236
                        zCOG_YEARS_COWORKINGw_95 |   -.003673   .0573224    -0.06   0.949    -.1160228    .1086769
                                           zPEOI |  -.0543144   .0564798    -0.96   0.336    -.1650128    .0563841
                           mean__ZMunificence_KH |  -.0459581    .225841    -0.20   0.839    -.4885982    .3966821
                              mean__ZDynamism_KH |   .0138254   .2221559     0.06   0.950    -.4215922    .4492431
                            mean__zSIZE_FIRM_IMP |   .1292623   .1016339     1.27   0.203    -.0699365     .328461
                                   mean__DUALITY |   -.635596   .2398822    -2.65   0.008    -1.105757   -.1654354
                               mean__zSIZE_BOARD |   .1329851   .1212469     1.10   0.273    -.1046544    .3706246
                                 mean__zSIZE_TMT |  -.0050497   .1160224    -0.04   0.965    -.2324495      .22235
                                   mean__zAGETMT |  -.0328052    .084568    -0.39   0.698    -.1985555     .132945
                                  mean__LEVEL_KW |  -.1750052   .1545016    -1.13   0.257    -.4778227    .1278124
                    mean__PARTIAL_CHANGE_MISSION |  -.4849598   .5769533    -0.84   0.401    -1.615767    .6458478
                  mean__zCOG_YEARS_COWORKINGw_95 |   .0717855   .0818186     0.88   0.380     -.088576    .2321471
                                     mean__zPEOI |  -.0433404   .0945906    -0.46   0.647    -.2287346    .1420537
                                           _cons |   .3684413   .3048514     1.21   0.227    -.2290564     .965939
                                         sigma_u |  .46774649
                                         sigma_e |  .71849948
                                             rho |  .29765764   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
                  Thanks in advance,
                  Rocio Aguilar

