I have searched the manuals and googled more generally to see if there is a way to avoid the following. Estimates derived using mi estimate are not found by estimates table, presumably because mi estimate saves results to e(V_mi) and e(b_mi), not e(V) and e(b). Is there a way around this? E.g. short of making estimates table, aware of MI estimation, changing the saved result to a recognised form? ... Or adding a post option to mi estimate, analogous to the post option to margins?
. estimates restore All (results All are active now) . estimates ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model All ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple-imputation estimates Imputations = 100 Linear regression Number of obs = 885 Average RVI = 0.0356 Largest FMI = 0.0384 Complete DF = 30 DF adjustment: Small sample DF: min = 27.25 avg = 27.81 max = 28.12 Model F test: Equal FMI F( 3, 28.1) = 2.72 Within VCE type: Robust Prob > F = 0.0633 (Within VCE adjusted for 31 clusters in Country2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gini_net | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- inflation | .0123982 .0072842 1.70 0.100 -.0025414 .0273378 unemp | .1655875 .1795377 0.92 0.364 -.2021075 .5332826 time | .089944 .0323464 2.78 0.010 .0236611 .1562269 _cons | 27.10758 1.911754 14.18 0.000 23.1922 31.02296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . estimates table All estimation results do not have e(b) and e(V) r(321);