I'm new to STATA so my problem is probably pretty simple but I'm stuck:
my data st consist of 3 variables: bloomberg, return and flow and I want to perform a mlogit on return and flow. Bloomberg serves as a group identifier.
bysort bloomberg: mlogit return flow works perfectly fine but how can I add another command, in my case mfx to estimate marginal effects?
bysort bloomberg: mfx... won't work since it has to be estimated after every regression (I think).
So, is there a way to define a subsample based on my bloomberg variable and run a couple of similar commands for each group?
Thanks in advance!
I'm new to STATA so my problem is probably pretty simple but I'm stuck:
my data st consist of 3 variables: bloomberg, return and flow and I want to perform a mlogit on return and flow. Bloomberg serves as a group identifier.
bysort bloomberg: mlogit return flow works perfectly fine but how can I add another command, in my case mfx to estimate marginal effects?
bysort bloomberg: mfx... won't work since it has to be estimated after every regression (I think).
So, is there a way to define a subsample based on my bloomberg variable and run a couple of similar commands for each group?
Thanks in advance!