Excellent, thank you William. Your explanation was incredibly helpful! Much appreciation.
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bysort country: mipolate pre_top1 year, cubic generate (pretop1) epolate
*! 1.2.1 NJC 10jul2019
tempvar m b M B ismiss negx negy
. webuse grunfeld, clear . . replace invest = . if inlist(_n, 20, 42, 56) (3 real changes made, 3 to missing) . . by company: mipolate invest year, spline epolate gen(wanted) . . l company year invest wanted in 1/60, sepby(company) +-------------------------------------+ | company year invest wanted | |-------------------------------------| 1. | 1 1935 317.6 317.60001 | 2. | 1 1936 391.8 391.79999 | 3. | 1 1937 410.6 410.60001 | 4. | 1 1938 257.7 257.70001 | 5. | 1 1939 330.8 330.79999 | 6. | 1 1940 461.2 461.20001 | 7. | 1 1941 512 512 | 8. | 1 1942 448 448 | 9. | 1 1943 499.6 499.60001 | 10. | 1 1944 547.5 547.5 | 11. | 1 1945 561.2 561.20001 | 12. | 1 1946 688.1 688.09998 | 13. | 1 1947 568.9 568.90002 | 14. | 1 1948 529.2 529.20001 | 15. | 1 1949 555.1 555.09998 | 16. | 1 1950 642.9 642.90002 | 17. | 1 1951 755.9 755.90002 | 18. | 1 1952 891.2 891.20001 | 19. | 1 1953 1304.4 1304.4 | 20. | 1 1954 . 1717.6 | |-------------------------------------| 21. | 2 1935 209.9 209.89999 | 22. | 2 1936 355.3 355.29999 | 23. | 2 1937 469.9 469.89999 | 24. | 2 1938 262.3 262.29999 | 25. | 2 1939 230.4 230.39999 | 26. | 2 1940 361.6 361.60001 | 27. | 2 1941 472.8 472.79999 | 28. | 2 1942 445.6 445.60001 | 29. | 2 1943 361.6 361.60001 | 30. | 2 1944 288.2 288.20001 | 31. | 2 1945 258.7 258.70001 | 32. | 2 1946 420.3 420.29999 | 33. | 2 1947 420.5 420.5 | 34. | 2 1948 494.5 494.5 | 35. | 2 1949 405.1 405.10001 | 36. | 2 1950 418.8 418.79999 | 37. | 2 1951 588.2 588.20001 | 38. | 2 1952 645.5 645.5 | 39. | 2 1953 641 641 | 40. | 2 1954 459.3 459.29999 | |-------------------------------------| 41. | 3 1935 33.1 33.099998 | 42. | 3 1936 . 71.691271 | 43. | 3 1937 77.2 77.199997 | 44. | 3 1938 44.6 44.599998 | 45. | 3 1939 48.1 48.099998 | 46. | 3 1940 74.4 74.400002 | 47. | 3 1941 113 113 | 48. | 3 1942 91.9 91.900002 | 49. | 3 1943 61.3 61.299999 | 50. | 3 1944 56.8 56.799999 | 51. | 3 1945 93.6 93.599998 | 52. | 3 1946 159.9 159.89999 | 53. | 3 1947 147.2 147.2 | 54. | 3 1948 146.3 146.3 | 55. | 3 1949 98.3 98.300003 | 56. | 3 1950 . 100.38347 | 57. | 3 1951 135.2 135.2 | 58. | 3 1952 157.3 157.3 | 59. | 3 1953 179.5 179.5 | 60. | 3 1954 189.6 189.60001 | +-------------------------------------+ .
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