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  • Hausman

    HI all!
    Can anyone tell me what is the difference between simple hausman and hausman with sigmamore option?

  • #2
    Hi, Maham,

    I guess that, ideally, we should take the difference between the variances as positive definite. The sigmamore reinforces that.

    Added here, a comment from the Stata manual (

    sigmamore specifies that the covariance matrices be based on the estimated disturbance variance
    from the efficient estimator. This option provides a proper estimate of the contrast variance for
    so-called tests of exogeneity and overidentification in instrumental-variables regression.
    This is the furthest I can go. Hopefully you'll get further explanation.


    Best regards,



    • #3
      Hi, Maham,

      I guess that, ideally, we should take the difference between the variances as positive definite. The sigmamore reinforces that.

      Added here, a comment from the Stata manual (

      sigmamore specifies that the covariance matrices be based on the estimated disturbance variance
      from the efficient estimator. This option provides a proper estimate of the contrast variance for
      so-called tests of exogeneity and overidentification in instrumental-variables regression.
      This is the furthest I can go. Hopefully you'll get further explanation.


      Best regards,



      • #4
        Thanks a lot Marcos.
        One more question. Can sigmamore be used as an alternative for simple hausman?


        • #5
          but take a look at -help hausman- and related entry in Stata 13.1 .pdf manual.
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)


          • #6
            Hi Maham,

            Carlo already gave the appropriate answer ("yes") and pointed to the right way to catch up with the issue: "help" in Stata, and the manual.

            Just to make things absolutely clear to every level of the audience: sigmamore is an option you add to the "hausman" commands, like that:

            . hausman fe re, sigmamore

            Best regards,



            • #7
              Thanks a lot guys. Really helpful.


              • #8
                just an aside to what Marcos has already comprehensively explained, obtained from -hausman- entry in Stata 13.1 pdf manual (pag 768):
                -sigmamore- option for -hausman- specification test allows the covariance matrices of both estimators to be based on the estimated disturbance variance of the efficient estimator;
                -sigmaless- option for the same test allows the covariance matrices of both estimators to be based on the estimated disturbance variance of the consisten estimator;
                - sigmamore - option for -hausman- has a more econometric flavour than -sigmaless- , in that, quoting Stata 13.1 -pdf manual related entry (same page),
                ...provides a proper estimate of the contrast variance for so-called tests of exogeneity and overidentification in instrumental-variables regression
                Kind regards,
                (StataNow 18.5)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
                  just an aside to what Marcos has already comprehensively explained, obtained from -hausman- entry in Stata 13.1 pdf manual (pag 768):
                  -sigmamore- option for -hausman- specification test allows the covariance matrices of both estimators to be based on the estimated disturbance variance of the efficient estimator;
                  -sigmaless- option for the same test allows the covariance matrices of both estimators to be based on the estimated disturbance variance of the consisten estimator;
                  - sigmamore - option for -hausman- has a more econometric flavour than -sigmaless- , in that, quoting Stata 13.1 -pdf manual related entry (same page),
                  Thanks a lot Carlo!


                  • #10
                    Hi all!! I am sonia kaur. I am currently working on my thesis ( determinants of bank profitability) in which i have to analyse approximately 17000 banks over 64 quarters. The determinants i have chosen are lag roa, size , credit risk ratio, a few more ratios as well and inflation , gdp and interest rates.

                    I have a few issues that i need to clarify and i really hope i can get some insights from you guys.

                    1) firstly i did pooled regression and used the xtset command, my data is identified as unbalanced panel snd over 64 quarters. ( this includes the lagroa variable).

                    Then i go on to run my fe and re using the same variables as the pooled but the problem i face is in the hausman test. My test is giving me a positive definite error and i did some research and tried to change the commands to fe_all, re_all , store both of them and then use the fommand " hausman fe_all re_all, sigmamore. And i do not get the error anymore. Now my question is can i actually do this to solve the problem or am i forcing the data to work my way by using this commands? Is there an underlying problem i am not seeing? Im really confused. Please do give me your insights.


                    • #11
                      welcome to this forum.
                      Although exceptions do exist, usually -xtreg- outperforms pooled OLS when it comes to panel data.
                      It is pretty frequent that -hausman- gives back the message you mention.
                      The -sigmamore- option often fixes the issue.
                      Eventually, your code for -hausman- is correct.
                      As an aside, please note that Stata can handle both balanced and unbalanced panel datasets, the latter with no extra effort/details from your side.
                      Kind regards,
                      (StataNow 18.5)


                      • #12
                        Carlo Lazzaro thats great news!! Thankyou so so much! Can i just check with you , if my intial data is auto set as quarter for this regression is there any issues i might face as i am more familiar with running regressions using yearly data. So i was wondering if the error i was receiving could be because of that.


                        • #13
                          I do not think that quarters are an issue.
                          -hausman- works asyntotically: hence, stumbling upon some methodological cabblestone along the way is the rule rather than the exception.
                          On a different note, I would be more concerned about: endogeneity; model misspecification (eg, non-linearity) and (less relevant but sometimes annoying) heteroskedasticity.
                          Kind regards,
                          (StataNow 18.5)


                          • #14
                            Carlo Lazzaro okay carlo!! Thankyou so much! Are there any tests you suggest i run to check for those problems mentioned above?? Cause ive done a fe re and hausman test now ( thankgod it was correct) . My next test is gmm. Do you think gmm will solve those issues ( if present) ?


                            • #15
                              I do not think that
                              ...gmm will solve those issues ( if present)...
                              Kind regards,
                              (StataNow 18.5)

