Dear all,
consider the following:
The above code produces a graph where the reference lines xline and yline are hidden under the contour plot. I would like to make the two reference lines visible, that is, to put them on top of the contour plot.
I have tried the following...
... hoping that the scatter with invisible markers will come on top of the contour plot, together with the reference lines so that they be visible, but this did not work either.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
consider the following:
sysuse sandstone, clear sum northing local mean_north = r(mean) sum easting local mean_east = r(mean) twoway contour depth northing easting, yline(`mean_north') xline(`mean_east')
I have tried the following...
twoway contour depth northing easting || /// scatter northing easting, mcolor(none) yline(`mean_north') xline(`mean_east')
Any suggestions?
Thank you.