i am writing my master thesis on Norwegian Mutual Funds and are trying to, like Kosowski et al (2006) and Fama and French (2010), bootstrap the residuals with resampling in order to make inference on the distribution of a and t(a) and wether mutual funds inhibit skill or just luck.
I am not an advanced Stata user, but have written a program that I believe do what i want, but judgning by the results, something is wrong.
So, what I want to do is run a regression model, save the residuals and keep the coefficients. Then i sample the residuals with replacement, create new return on the form y = xB + uhat, and then run new regressions on this return series with a zero alpha by construction. In earlier research, this has given results that the worst performing funds have outliers in the distribution telling us that they are underperforming not only due to bad luck, but also bad skill, and vice versa for the top performers. When I do this on my dataset, I get very dull results, with no outliers and as good as normally distributed a's and t(a)'s. Why might this be? Are my residuals normally distributed and thus the simulated alphas will be as well= Or is my code wrong?
Hope some of you have some knowledge about this and can help me. Would be much appreciated :D
this is the original regression model:
r = a +bMKT + bSMB + bHML + e
This is the program I run
use "C:\Users\Alexander\Dropbox\Mester\Regression results\torsdag_3_july.dta", clear
quietly regress r_mutualfund1 MKT SMB HML, r
predict uhat, resid
keep uhat
save residuals, replace
program bootresiduals
version 13.1
drop _all
use residuals
merge using "C:\Users\Alexander\Dropbox\Mester\Regression results\torsdag_3_july.dta"
regress r_mutualfund1 MKT SMB HML, r
predict xb
gen ystar = xb + uhat
reg ystar MKT SMB HML
and then run
simulate _b _se, reps(10000): bootresiduals
kind regards,
i am writing my master thesis on Norwegian Mutual Funds and are trying to, like Kosowski et al (2006) and Fama and French (2010), bootstrap the residuals with resampling in order to make inference on the distribution of a and t(a) and wether mutual funds inhibit skill or just luck.
I am not an advanced Stata user, but have written a program that I believe do what i want, but judgning by the results, something is wrong.
So, what I want to do is run a regression model, save the residuals and keep the coefficients. Then i sample the residuals with replacement, create new return on the form y = xB + uhat, and then run new regressions on this return series with a zero alpha by construction. In earlier research, this has given results that the worst performing funds have outliers in the distribution telling us that they are underperforming not only due to bad luck, but also bad skill, and vice versa for the top performers. When I do this on my dataset, I get very dull results, with no outliers and as good as normally distributed a's and t(a)'s. Why might this be? Are my residuals normally distributed and thus the simulated alphas will be as well= Or is my code wrong?
Hope some of you have some knowledge about this and can help me. Would be much appreciated :D
this is the original regression model:
r = a +bMKT + bSMB + bHML + e
This is the program I run
use "C:\Users\Alexander\Dropbox\Mester\Regression results\torsdag_3_july.dta", clear
quietly regress r_mutualfund1 MKT SMB HML, r
predict uhat, resid
keep uhat
save residuals, replace
program bootresiduals
version 13.1
drop _all
use residuals
merge using "C:\Users\Alexander\Dropbox\Mester\Regression results\torsdag_3_july.dta"
regress r_mutualfund1 MKT SMB HML, r
predict xb
gen ystar = xb + uhat
reg ystar MKT SMB HML
and then run
simulate _b _se, reps(10000): bootresiduals
kind regards,