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  • -twoway contour- doesn't show the graph

    Dear all,

    I have a problem with twoway contour. When I run the command, the graph just does not appear.

    twoway (contour elast_mean_fgt0 zmean0 gini0)
    Stata works for some time and then just gives a full stop at the beginning of new line. Does anybody know what's going on? My Stata is 13.1 SE.

    Thank you.

    // ivica_rubil //

  • #2
    I forgot to mention in the previous post that it doesn't work even with the sample data:

    sysuse sandstone, clear
    twoway contour depth northing easting
    // ivica_rubil //


    • #3
      When was your copy of Stata last updated? You can find out with update query.
      Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez


      • #4
        The example using the sandstone dataset works fine in my distribution. I tried it before updating to the latest update. I am using Stata 13.1 SE as well, and had the January 14 2014 update installed and worked. Installed the March 31 2014 update and worked as well. So I'm not sure what's going on.
        Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver


        • #5
          Stata 13.1 that I have at home, updated in October 2013 last time (!), managed to produce the graph. But the same Stata version that I have at work, updated at about the same time, did not. I'll try tomorrow to install all available updates and see what happens.
          // ivica_rubil //


          • #6
            Something strange was going on yesterday. Now I tried again - at work - without updating, and it works perfectly well. My PC sometimes behaves quite stochastically. Anyways, Jorge and Alfi, thank you.
            // ivica_rubil //


            • #7
              Maybe you had set graphics off somewhere in your original session?


              • #8
                No, never used this command. But it's fine now. Hope it's not going to happen again.
                // ivica_rubil //


                • #9
                  • I recall earlier Statas had problem with sometimes showing the graph window outside the visible screen,which looks consistent with the symptoms you described. Adjusting the screen resolution when Stata was running seemed to provoke that problem. This should have been fixed long time ago, but if you find yourself in a similar problem again, check if you have a button for the graph window in the task bar. Also check with other graph types. In case of the screen resolution all the graphs would have the same problem.
                  • or there is a leak of resources which exhausted all the handles, and prevents creating a new window. Rebooting a machine helps always in this case.
                  Best, Sergiy


                  • #10
                    Thank you, Sergiy, I will consider what you are suggesting if the problem appears in future.
                    // ivica_rubil //

