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  • Esttab - problems with interaction variables - using newest esttab version

    Hi Statalist,

    I'm running some regressions and outputting the results into a text file using the user-written command "esttab", but having trouble when the regressions include interaction terms. I'm using code that has worked in the past; however, estout / esttab were recently updated and since then my code won't work. For reference, I'm using Stata/IC 12.1 for Mac, with Mac OS X 10.7.5. I updated estout today from ssc - I'm not sure how to tell the version number, but it says the Distribution Date is 20140604.

    Some sample code looks like this:
    reg y x i.d d#c.x
    esttab using myfile.txt, replace

    With that, I get the error:
    d#co: operator invalid

    If, instead, I do the following:
    reg y x i.d d#c.x
    esttab using myfile.txt, replace keep(x 1.d)

    Then the code runs and produces an output text file, but doesn't include the coefficients for the interaction of d and x, which I need.
    Like I said, this code has worked in the past, but now with the updated estout/esttab files, it doesn't work anymore. Has anyone successfully used estout with interaction terms recently (since the June 4 update)? Any advice?
