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  • Stata output (results) from SEM

    While I find Stata's output from statistical analyses good in general, I'm not sure I would say the same about SEM analyses. The output is very different from similar analyses in other programs (like Mplus, which I use). Is there an addon available that also handles output from sem/gsem in Stata, making the output easier to read?

    Thanks for any helpful hints.

  • #2
    You might want to use the -parmest- package, which you can download from SSC using the -ssc- command. The -parmest- package creates an output dataset (or resultsset) with 1 observation per estimated parameter and data on the parameter names, estimates, confidence intervals, P-values, and other parameter attributes specified by the user. This resultsset may be listed to the Stata log (with formats specified by the user), saved to a disk file (for the user to use later), or saved to the memory (overwriting the existing dataset). Either way, the user can present the results in a way that the user prefers. The online help for

    help parmest

    contains References with hypertext to the Stata Journal and Stata User Meetings websites, where the user can find more about the use of -parmest- with other packages.

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes


