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  • Bootstrap SE after XTPMG

    Dear all
    I am using the user written command XTPMG in Stata. Actually, i am using in my regression residuals obtained from a previous estimation. I want to use the boostrap to make sure that i have the right standards errors. Unfortunately, i wasn't able to do that using the standard Bootstrap command in Stata: here below is my code

    bootstrap, rep(100): xtpmg d.lshrgdpr d.lshrgdpr1 d.lshrgdpr2 d.lshrgdpr3 d.lshrgdpr4 d.stdresid d.stdresid1 d.stdresid2 d.stdresid3 d.stdresid4 d.stdresid d.lshrtpils1 d.lshrtpils2 d.lshrtpils3 d.lshrtpils4 , lr(l.lshrgdpr lshtc lshrtpils) ec(mu) replace mg

    in this equation, lshrgdpr is the log of real GDP and stdresid is the residuals that capture a discretionary fiscal policy, lshrtpils is log of taxes. I also use 4 lags for each variable.

    I would like to know if there is a way to correct the standards errors after XTPMG in this type of situation. Thank you


  • #2
    Hi Thierry,
    I'm not completely sure if bootstrapping only during the second step is the correct approach for correcting the Standard errors. I would recommend doing the bootstrap for the whole system instead. Now, for your specific command, I think you also need to specify the cluster (the panel id), so your random sample is random selection of "individuals", but consistent across time, rather than just a random sample each year.
    Hope this helps.


    • #3
      Thank you very Fernando. Your comments do help. But i am still facing an issue which is that when i am running the boostrap command as in my post, i get an error message like "unsufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors". I have quarterly data for 11 countries from 1992q3 to 2013q2. Then i have on average 56 observation per group. Then i don't know what is going on. Please if somebody has an explanation, i will be so grateful


      • #4
        Could you post the full command and error? That might help see why you are running into problems.


        • #5
          here is my program

          cap program drop mysimul9
          program define mysimul9
          drop _all
          use "C:\Users\utyogo\Documents\recup DELL\Documents\fiscal multiplier\New data fiscal multiplier.dta"
          set more off
          merge 1:1 country year time using externaldebt.dta
          drop _merge
          tsset id time
          xtpmg d.lshrgdpr d.lshrgdpr1 d.lshrgdpr2 d.lshrgdpr3 d.lshrgdpr4 d.stdresid d.stdresid1 d.stdresid2 d.stdresid3 d.stdresid4 d.lshrtpils d.lshrtpils1 d.lshrtpils2 d.lshrtpils3 d.lshrtpils4 , lr(l.lshrgdpr lshtc lshrtpils) ec(mu) replace mg
          simulate _b _se, reps(50): mysimul9

          i get the following message
          repeated time values within the panel
          an error occured when simulate execute mysimul9

          i have to mention that i am using quarterly data with the following structure
          country year time variable
          romania 1992 1992q1 12
          romania 1992 1992q2 14
          ..and so on. The data span from 1992 q1 to 2013q3
          The point is that i can delete year without deleting some of the quarters

          thank you once more


          • #6
            Hi Thierry,
            As I suspected at first, your approach on the bsample was the problem. As I said earlier, when you bootstrap panel data, you need to specify the cluster, so you bootstrap individuals, not observations.
            In the specific case you should do:
            - bsample, cluster(id)

