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  • Beginning and end of fiscal year dates


    I want to generate two new date variables, one that is identical to another and another one which is 11 months earlier.

    I have a variable called datadate which basically corresponds to the end of the fiscal year date.
    Now, I want to generate a variable called endfyr which is equal to datadate.... Moreover, I want to generate a variable called begfyr which is the beginning of fiscal year, 11 months prior to endfyr.
    My dates in stata are listed as date.month.year: datadate=31dec2004. I have a code that is used for SAS programming, so it doesn't directly translate to stata, but want something equivalent.
    gvkey fyear datadate
    1004 1990 31may1991
    1004 1991 31may1992
    1013 1994 31oct1994
    1013 1995 31oct1995

    * create begin and end dates for fiscal year;
    endfyr= datadate; format endfyr date9.;
    begfyr= intnx('month',endfyr,-11,'beg'); format begfyr date9.;
    *intnx(interval, from, n, 'alignment'); Could someone help me with the codes for stata?


  • #2

    It is not entirely clear what you want to do and I'm not very familiar with the SAS intnx() function, but here's my best guess: I am assuming that you want end of fiscal year dates like 31may1991 to generate beginning of fiscal year dates like 01jun1990 (11 months prior at the beginning of the month). There are a number of ways to do this. Here is one:

    gen endfyr=datadate
    gen begfyr=endfyr-11*30.4       // subtract 11 months (1 month=30.4 days on average)
    replace begfyr=mdy(month(begfyr),1,year(begfyr))    // reset to first of the month
    Another possibility, which I thinks gets the same answer but with a different definition is this:

    gen endfyr=datadate
    gen begfyr=mdy(month(endfyr)+1,1,year(endfyr)-1)    // Add 1 to month, subtract 1 from year, 1st of the month
    You can probably imagine other solutions (e.g., adding one day to the end of the fiscal year and then subtracting one year).

    NOTE: There may also be additional code required, depending on how datadate is stored. If is a string ("31may1991") then you will have to convert it to a Stata date variable using the date() function. If it is already a Stata date variable (numeric with format %td) then no further work is required.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Joe Canner View Post
      Another possibility, which I thinks gets the same answer but with a different definition is this:

      gen endfyr=datadate
      gen begfyr=mdy(month(endfyr)+1,1,year(endfyr)-1) // Add 1 to month, subtract 1 from year, 1st of the month
      In this case, a provision needs to be made for the case in which the fiscal year ends in december. Unlike other months, december (month 12) should be mapped to january (month 1) and the year stays constant (not -1).
      You should:

      1. Read the FAQ carefully.

      2. "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. N.B. exactly!"

      3. Describe your dataset. Use list to list data when you are doing so. Use input to type in your own dataset fragment that others can experiment with.

      4. Use the advanced editing options to appropriately format quotes, data, code and Stata output. The advanced options can be toggled on/off using the A button in the top right corner of the text editor.


      • #4
        Good point. Perhaps to avoid exceptions a better way would be:

        gen begfyr=mdy(month(endfyr-364),1,year(endfyr-364))
        This works for leap years as well since it ends up in the right month and we always use the first day.

