Hi, I am trying to do a time-fixed effects regression using xtreg. Although I have data from 48 countries in my dataset (and 9 years of data per country), only 18 of those are used in the actual regression (as displayed in: number of groups). I noticed that this probably has to do with the control variables which often include some missing values.
With so few countries I will never get any significant coefficients in my regression. Therefore I have 2 questions:
1. Why does Stata only take 18 of the 48 countries into consideration?
2. How can I get the other countries to be included as well? Does that mean that there cannot be missing values in any of the variables?
The regression I am trying to do is:
xtreg gdpgr lreg_assetshare lgdppc gov linfl popgr school ltrade lunempl lcredit life ldebt legal i.year, fe
I included a link to my dataset: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ais1ra4mi...02.3%20v12.dta
Thanks in advance, some advice on this would help me a lot!