I would like to remove the dependent variable name from the variable list when I use `estout` (`ssc install estout`) to make a table from `mvreg` models.
For example.
This generates the following.
But, I would like to remove the "one" under each dependent variables label (i.e., the "one" under both "kstock" and "mvalue"). The desired result would be the following.
The same happens with `logit` models.
This produces the following.
But I would like following.
Is this possible? Is there a non-manual solution here?
For example.
***** webuse grunfeld, clear generate one = 1 eststo clear mvreg kstock mvalue = one if (year <= 1945), noconstant eststo mvreg kstock mvalue = one if (year > 1945), noconstant eststo esttab, noeqlines nomtitles label ****
---------------------------------------------------- (1) (2) ---------------------------------------------------- kstock one 156.2*** 422.4*** (13.15) (10.55) mvalue one 1030.2*** 1144.6*** (8.38) (8.05) ---------------------------------------------------- Observations 110 90 ---------------------------------------------------- t statistics in parentheses * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
---------------------------------------------------- (1) (2) ---------------------------------------------------- kstock 156.2*** 422.4*** (13.15) (10.55) mvalue 1030.2*** 1144.6*** (8.38) (8.05) ---------------------------------------------------- Observations 110 90 ---------------------------------------------------- t statistics in parentheses * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
***** summarize invest generate outcome = (invest >= `r(mean)') eststo clear logit outcome kstock mvalue eststo esttab, noeqlines nomtitles label *****
------------------------------------ (1) ------------------------------------ outcome kstock 0.00251 (1.53) mvalue 0.00284*** (6.33) Constant -5.646*** (-6.34) ------------------------------------ Observations 200 ------------------------------------ t statistics in parentheses * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
------------------------------------ (1) ------------------------------------ kstock 0.00251 (1.53) mvalue 0.00284*** (6.33) Constant -5.646*** (-6.34) ------------------------------------ Observations 200 ------------------------------------ t statistics in parentheses * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001