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  • #16
    I've, what I think, the same kind of question. I need to calculate the standard deviation of one-year cash ETR over the time period t-4 to t. One year Cash ETR is defined as cash taxes paid (TXPD) divided by pretax income (PI) less special items (SPI), which is PI_SPI. I've tried the commands above;
    bysort GVKEY (date): egen SD=sd(TXR)
    but this gives back for every GVKEY the same number, not for every year (date). Below is how my varlist looks like. Hope someone can help me in the right direction.

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input long GVKEY float(date TXPD PI_SPI ETR)
    1004 15856    3.46   14.13  .24486907
    1004 16222     4.2   10.39   .4042348
    1004 16587   4.791  10.414   .4600538
    1004 16952   6.094  59.803  .10190124
    1004 17317   8.042 146.591  .05486012
    1004 17683  19.454 262.884  .07400222
    1004 18048   48.56 381.958   .1271344
    1004 18413  78.709 450.448  .17473494
    1004 18778  88.521 560.487  .15793587
    1004 19144  99.939  667.86  .14964065
    1004 19509 124.039  771.16   .1608473
    1004 19874 141.339  876.46   .1612612
    1004 20239 246.939  889.74  .27754062
    1004 20605 282.639  949.44   .2976902
    1004 21335 299.639 1026.64  .29186374
    1013 16009       0    8.38          0
    1013 16375     1.2   50.38 .023818975
    1013 16740    10.2  153.28  .06654488
    1013 17105    15.6  232.18 .067189254
    1013 17470    28.5 347.945   .0819095
    format %tdMon_DD,_CCYY date
    *edit: forgot to include ETR

    *edit2: Think I got the solution...

    egen SD=sd(ETR), by(date)
                            bysort GVKEY (date) : generate SD_0= sum(SD)
                                by GVKEY: generate SD_5 = SD-SD[_n-5]
    edit3: edit2 was not the solution, I think this was;
    bysort GVKEY (date): generate ETR = TXPD/PI_SPI
                        egen SD=sd(ETR), by(date)
    *edit4 (hopefully the last, and sorry for flooding it with edits haha): the previous edit, edit3, was the sd over a 2 year period(?), but I needed it over 5-years ; t-4 to t. So I tried this, and at first glance looks good.

                                by GVKEY: generate ETR_5 = ETR-ETR[_n-5] 
                                                            egen SD_5=sd(ETR_5), by(date)
    Last edited by Bhaloe Singh; 19 Dec 2019, 04:22.


    • #17
      Your data is a little confusing because, on the one hand you have daily dates, but on closer look, for any given gvkey, they are spaced a year apart. I think if you extract the year from the date and then use -rangestat- you will get what you want:

      gen year = yofd(date)
      rangestat (count) ETR (sd) ETR, by(GVKEY) interval(year -4 0)
      And you might want to delete the standard deviations for those observations that have fewer than 5 years available (this is up to you, depending on how you plan to use these results):
      replace ETR_sd = . if ETR_count < 5


      • #18
        Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
        Your data is a little confusing because, on the one hand you have daily dates, but on closer look, for any given gvkey, they are spaced a year apart. I think if you extract the year from the date and then use -rangestat- you will get what you want:

        gen year = yofd(date)
        rangestat (count) ETR (sd) ETR, by(GVKEY) interval(year -4 0)
        And you might want to delete the standard deviations for those observations that have fewer than 5 years available (this is up to you, depending on how you plan to use these results):
        replace ETR_sd = . if ETR_count &lt; 5
        Thanks Clyde, I actually only need the year data instead of the var date, which also contains the ending month of fiscal year. With the previous date var the command xtset was working, but with
         xtset GVKEY year
        it says; repeated time values within panel...

        The thing is, I am planning to merge this dataset with another dataset with the GVKEY and year being the merging var m:m.


        • #19
          ignore #18
          Had to use command
           xtset GVKEY year, yearly
          which gave what I needed


          • #20
            The thing is, I am planning to merge this dataset with another dataset with the GVKEY and year being the merging var m:m.
            No, no, no, no, no! -merge m:m- is almost always a mistake and just produces data salad. Don't do it. You'll be very, very sorry--except you probably won't notice it until you've actually used the invalid data in layers of calculations and finally something shows up that's obviously, blatantly wrong. And at that point it will be a long, painful process to figure out what went wrong.

            Post back with example data from both data sets, showing observations that should match with each other, and describe which observations should match with which, and I'll show you the correct way to do it.

            There are very rare situations where -merge m:m- actually produces the usual result, but in 25 years of Stata use, I have only encountered 2 such situations, and in both situations there was a better way to do it anyhow. In short, I have never used -merge m:m-, and it would be very surprising if I ever do in my entire life.


            • #21
              I shall also propose asrol here for getting rolling window statistics or group statistics. asrol is available on SSC and has several blog entries here.

              * To Install asrol
              ssc install asrol
              * To find 5-years rolling window standard deviation, requiring at least 5 observation
              bys GVKEY: asrol ETR, stat(sd) window(year 5) min(5)
              Here is one more example using actual data
              webuse grunfeld
              bys company : asrol invest , st(sd) wind(year 5) min(5)
              Attaullah Shah, PhD.
              Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
              Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
              For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
                No, no, no, no, no! -merge m:m- is almost always a mistake and just produces data salad. Don't do it. You'll be very, very sorry--except you probably won't notice it until you've actually used the invalid data in layers of calculations and finally something shows up that's obviously, blatantly wrong. And at that point it will be a long, painful process to figure out what went wrong.

                Post back with example data from both data sets, showing observations that should match with each other, and describe which observations should match with which, and I'll show you the correct way to do it.

                There are very rare situations where -merge m:m- actually produces the usual result, but in 25 years of Stata use, I have only encountered 2 such situations, and in both situations there was a better way to do it anyhow. In short, I have never used -merge m:m-, and it would be very surprising if I ever do in my entire life.
                Thank you, I was already getting weird outcomes. Since the first dataset should more or less be similar as previous studies, but it's way of. I'll try to explain what my objective is, I've got two datasets one containing the firm specific financial figures and one contains the CEO financial figures (5 CEOs per firm). Both datasets contains "GVKEY" and "YEAR", GVKEY the unique firm number and YEAR being the fiscal year. The main thing I want to do is make a regression with. from dataset 1; TOBINQ (dep), TAXRISK (indep), from dataset 2; CEOf(moderator), and the other variables are the controls. I think I wrongfully mentioned m:m merger.

                dataset 1:
                * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                1004 2002  534.9625                  .          . -.02838538                   .           .         0 6.407436  .3741715 0 -.50949204         . 0 0 .07270969 -1.394151
                1004 2003  716.5151                  .          . .002406625                   .           .         0  6.47998  .3553656 0   6.025776         . 0 0 .06734885  15.62976
                1004 2004  940.1655                  .          .  .02955219                   .           . .08290154   6.6172  .3153435 0   .6022922         . 0 0   .064533 1.2916493
                1004 2005 1438.7303                  .          .   .0464805                   .           . .03987254 6.799372  .3278083 0   .3581853  .4798437 0 0 .04780148  .6422982
                1004 2006 1799.5825 .15885049600141204 -.03022778    .081883  .04203762053354467  .003442167         0 6.967126  .3070868 0   .3419201  .6276647 0 0 .07131477  .3683211
                1004 2007 1524.2985 .07570619555800268  -.3732283  .08523285  .03517654717773287 .0029981975         0 7.233397  .3898004 0   .2613018  .8518723 0 0 .09630325  .3441527
                1004 2008 1292.2108 .09505089557477771  -.4198036  .08704758  .02633732760474748 .0022926007         0 7.261208  .3314558 0  .22963247  .5869847 0 0 .10961437  .3381815
                1004 2009  1531.971   .177512044024802  -.8315912  .04276229 .022080702062020632 .0009442215         0 7.209452 .29114708 0   .4495389  .2742089 0 0  .1128736  .6064997
                1004 2010 1917.7026 .16705069979054202  -.8943772  .06368567 .018862056884024998 .0012012428         0 7.481996 .26053295 0  1.1509267 .28222805 0 0  .1062946  .5464918
                1004 2011 1816.2937 .15083701978266853  -.9782713  .04258824 .021744429553470862  .000926057         0 7.637475   .360874 0   .9754997  .4568349 0 0 .19704115  .8590938
                format %ty YEAR
                dataset 2:
                * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                input int YEAR long GVKEY byte DFCEO float(CEOAGE CEOTEN) double CEOCOMP
                2011 170617 0 27 14 928.833
                2012 170617 0 28 14 769.306
                2007  29517 0 29  5     210
                2013  22447 0 29  2  61.364
                2014  22447 0 30  2 389.583
                2008  29517 0 30  5     210
                2009  29517 0 31  5     595
                2010   3424 0 32  8     900
                2010  29517 0 32  5    1011
                2008  29382 0 32 10  441.25
                format %ty YEAR
                After the merge, a regression is needed. I've cleaned both data sets, to my little stata knowledge it looks ready(?).
                I've also enclosed my .do files.

                Attached Files


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Attaullah Shah View Post
                  I shall also propose asrol here for getting rolling window statistics or group statistics. asrol is available on SSC and has several blog entries here.

                  * To Install asrol
                  ssc install asrol
                  * To find 5-years rolling window standard deviation, requiring at least 5 observation
                  bys GVKEY: asrol ETR, stat(sd) window(year 5) min(5)
                  Here is one more example using actual data
                  webuse grunfeld
                  bys company : asrol invest , st(sd) wind(year 5) min(5)
                  Thanks! I just checked with the values of the other method and both give the same, however this (asrol) is a quicker way, and for me, a stata novice, it's a less error prone way of calculating it.


                  • #24
                    Re #22: The data set examples you show look like they are both uniquely identified by gvkey and year. So what you need to do is: -merge 1:1 gvkey year using …-

                    \I have not reviewed the do-files you attached. I do not download attachments from people I don't know. If you would like the do-files reviewed, please post them here between code delimiters.


                    • #25
                      The claim in #23 is obscure. What "other method" are you referring to that is "error prone"?

                      The syntax of asrol (SSC) and of rangestat (SSC) is different, but equivalent in all important respects for problems like that here.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
                        Re #22: The data set examples you show look like they are both uniquely identified by gvkey and year. So what you need to do is: -merge 1:1 gvkey year using …-

                        \I have not reviewed the do-files you attached. I do not download attachments from people I don't know. If you would like the do-files reviewed, please post them here between code delimiters.
                        I totally understand, below is my .do file in code delimiters. I get an error when using merge 1:1 GVKEY YEAR. I suspect this is because in the second dataset, CEO data, there are multiple inputs of CEO data per GVKEY YEAR since wrds gave back 5 CEOs per firmyear. ;

                        variables GVKEY YEAR do not uniquely identify observations in the master data
                        Was thinking about creating a dummy variable, when per firm year CEO ≠ Female use the average of all rows per firm year CEO = male. In order to get 1 observation per firm year. However I am skeptical whether this is a respectable solution not causing harm for further analysis. (I have also contacted my dissertation supervisor to see if it's feasible to drop CEO info per firm year or not.)

                        Many Thanks for taking the time to help me.

                        //use F:\ for university usb and H:\ for home pc... 
                        import excel "H:\Thesis\FRESH\Scriptie DATA\FIRMDATA-prepped2.xlsx", sheet("WRDS") firstrow clear
                        *drop  variables not needed for calc
                                drop IndustryFormat 
                                drop LevelofConsolidationCompany 
                                drop PopulationSource 
                                drop DataFormat 
                                    drop if missing(ISOCurrencyCode)
                                    drop if ISOCurrencyCode == "CAD" 
                                    drop ISOCurrencyCode
                        *sic-industry exclution 
                                drop if inrange(sic, 4900, 4999)
                                drop if inrange(sic, 6000, 6999)
                        * drop for calc dependant variables; cusip, csho, txpd, pi, spi, at, prcc_f, ceq
                        rename CUSIP cusip
                                    drop if missing(cusip)
                                    drop if missing(csho)
                                    drop if missing(txpd)
                                    drop if missing(txpd)
                                    drop if missing(pi)
                                    drop if missing(spi)
                                    drop if missing(at)
                                    drop if missing(prcc_f)
                                    drop if missing(ceq)
                        *change string variables to numeric variables (deleting old -replace force)
                            destring at capx ceq csho dlc dltt dp ib intan oancf pi pifo sale spi tlcf txpd txt txtubtxtr xad xrd mkvalt prcc_f, replace force
                        *fixing date data
                                replace DataDate = " 31/05/2009" in 7
                                        generate gdate = date(DataDate, "DMY")
                                            format %tdMon_DD,_CCYY gdate
                                    rename DataDate wrongdate
                                    rename gdate date
                                    rename DataYearFiscal YEAR
                                    rename gvkey GVKEY
                            gen year = yofd(date)
                            format %ty_CCYY year
                                                xtset GVKEY YEAR, yearly
                        *Eliminate variable inputs leading to blank calculations;
                        ** Done, x-observations ommited; 
                                drop if missing(dltt)
                                drop if missing(dlc)
                                drop if missing(capx)
                                drop if missing(sale)
                                drop if missing(dp)
                            **NOL/FOREIGN/R&D/ADVERTISING/INTANGIBLES [egen]
                        ** Winsorize all variables
                        ssc install winsor
                                            winsor at, gen(at_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor capx, gen(capx_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor ceq, gen(ceq_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor dlc, gen(dlc_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor dltt, gen(dltt_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor dp, gen(dp_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor ib, gen(ib_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor intan, gen(intan_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor oancf, gen(oancf_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor pi, gen(pi_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor pifo, gen(pifo_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor sale, gen(sale_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor spi, gen(spi_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor tlcf, gen(tlcf_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor txpd, gen(txpd_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor txt, gen(txt_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor txtubtxtr, gen(txtubtxr_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor xad, gen(xad_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor xrd, gen(xrd_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor mkvalt, gen(mkvalt_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor prcc_f, gen(prccf_w) p(0.1)
                                            winsor csho, gen(csho_w) p(0.1)
                                drop at capx ceq dlc dltt dp ib intan oancf pi pifo sale spi tlcf txpd txt txtubtxtr xad xrd mkvalt prcc_f
                        *_create variables
                        * tobin's q
                            sort GVKEY (YEAR)
                                by GVKEY: generate TOBINQ = ((prccf_w*csho_w)+at_w-ceq_w) if YEAR>2006
                            * TAXRISK
                            ssc install rangestat
                                    bysort GVKEY (YEAR): generate ETR = txpd_w/(pi_w-spi_w) 
                                            rangestat (count) ETR (sd) ETR, by (GVKEY) interval (YEAR -4 0)
                                                replace ETR_sd = . if ETR_count < 5
                                                    rename ETR_sd TAXRISK
                                    drop ETR_count
                                rangestat (count) ETR (sum) ETR, by (GVKEY) interval (YEAR -4 0)
                                        replace ETR_sum = . if ETR_count < 5
                                                rename ETR_sum TAXAVOIDD
                                                    generate TAXAVOID = TAXAVOIDD * (-1) 
                                                        drop TAXAVOIDD
                            // bys GVKEY: asrol ETR, stat(sd) window(YEAR 5) min(5)
                            rename sd5_ETR TAXRISK
                            // bys GVKEY: asrol ETR, stat(sum) window(YEAR 5) min(5)
                            rename sum5_ETR TAXAVOID
                                            * PTROA
                                                bysort GVKEY (YEAR) : generate PTROA = pi_w/at_w 
                                                    * VOL_PTROA
                                                        rangestat (count) PTROA (sd) PTROA, by (GVKEY) interval (YEAR -4 0)
                                        replace PTROA_sd = . if PTROA_count < 5
                                                rename PTROA_sd VOL_PTROA
                                                    * VOL_PTROA * PTROA
                                                    generate VOL_PTROAxPTROA = VOL_PTROA * PTROA 
                                                        by GVKEY: generate PTROA_5 = PTROA-PTROA[_n-5]
                                                            egen VOL_PTROA = sd(PTROA_5), by(YEAR)
                                            * NOL
                                                bysort GVKEY (YEAR) : generate NOL = (tlcf_w/at_w) if YEAR>2006
                                                    recode NOL (mis = 0)
                                            * LN_SALES
                                                bysort GVKEY (YEAR) : generate LN_SALES = ln(sale_w) if YEAR>2006
                                            * LEVERAGE
                                                bysort GVKEY (YEAR) : generate LEVERAGE = ((dltt_w+dlc_w)/at_w) if YEAR>2006
                                            * FOREIGN
                                                bysort GVKEY (YEAR) : generate FOREIGN = pifo_w/pi_w if YEAR>2006
                                                    recode FOREIGN (mis = 0 )
                                            * CAPEX
                                                bysort GVKEY (YEAR) : generate CAPEX = capx_w/pi_w if YEAR>2006
                                            * SALES_GROWTH
                                                bysort GVKEY : generate SALES_GROWTH = (sale_w[_n]-sale_w[_n-3])/sale_w[_n-3] if YEAR>2006
                                            * R&D
                                                bysort GVKEY : generate RnD = xrd_w/pi_w if YEAR>2006
                                                        recode RnD (mis = 0 )
                                            * ADVERTISING
                                                bysort GVKEY : generate ADVERTISING = xad_w/pi_w if YEAR>2006
                                                        recode ADVERTISING (mis = 0 )
                                            * INTANGIBLes
                                                bysort GVKEY : generate INTANGIBLES = intan_w/at_w if YEAR>2006
                                                        recode INTANGIBLES (mis = 0)
                                            * DEPRECIATION
                                                bysort GVKEY : generate DEPRECIATION = dp_w/pi_w if YEAR>2006
                        //Merge commands;
                        use "H:\Thesis\FRESH\Scriptie DATA\2\part1.dta", clear
                        sort GVKEY YEAR
                        save "H:\Thesis\FRESH\Scriptie DATA\2\part1.dta", replace
                        use "H:\Thesis\FRESH\Scriptie DATA\2\part2CEO.dta", clear 
                        sort GVKEY YEAR
                        merge 1:1 GVKEY YEAR using "H:\Thesis\FRESH\Scriptie DATA\2\part1.dta"
                        dataset2: CEO data. thinking about the merge 1:1 option, I need to reduce my CEO input per firm year. However, the main objective is to get the dummy Gender of CEO, now I am not sure how to perform this. Deleting CEO=male per firm year, and keep CEO=female per firm year if available. Otherwise use average of the given CEO info per firm year?
                        In the code below I only created a dummy for CEO Gender.

                        * Prep for merge -> fix CEO DATA
                        import excel "H:\Thesis\FRESH\Scriptie DATA\CEODATA-prepped2.xlsx", sheet("WRDS") firstrow clear
                        *not needed
                        drop AllOtherCompensation
                        drop TotalCompensationAsReported
                        drop OtherAnnual
                        drop TotalCompensationSalaryBon
                        *rename var
                            rename CompanyIDNumber GVKEY
                            rename ExecutivesAge age
                            rename FiscalYear YEAR
                            rename SICCode sic
                            rename ExecutiveIDnumber execid
                            rename TotalCurrentCompensationSala CEOCOMP
                        *sic-industry exclution 
                                drop if inrange(sic, 4900, 4999)
                                drop if inrange(sic, 6000, 6999)
                                generate dateBecame = date(DateBecameCEO, "MDY")
                                            format %tdMon_DD,_CCYY dateBecame
                                                generate YearBecame = yofd(dateBecame)
                                                    drop if mi(YearBecame)
                                generate dateCLeft = date(DateLeftasCEO, "MDY")
                                            format %tdMon_DD,_CCYY dateCLeft
                                                generate YearCLeft = yofd(dateCLeft)
                                                    recode YearCLeft (mis = 2018)
                                                        recode YearCLeft (2019 = 2018)    
                                                            drop if(YearCLeft-YearBecame)<0
                                generate dateJoin = date(DateJoinedCompany, "MDY")
                                            format %tdMon_DD,_CCYY dateJoin
                                                generate YearJoin = yofd(dateJoin)
                                generate dateRejoin = date(DateRejoinedCompany, "MDY")
                                            format %tdMon_DD,_CCYY dateRejoin
                                                generate YearRejoin = yofd(dateRejoin)
                                generate dateLeft = date(DateLeftCompany, "MDY")
                                            format %tdMon_DD,_CCYY dateLeft
                                                generate YearLeft = yofd(dateLeft)
                                                    recode YearLeft (mis = 2018)
                                                        recode YearLeft (2019 = 2018)    
                                     drop dateLeft dateJoin dateRejoin
                        *CEO TENURE    ; CEOTEN                    
                            drop DateBecameCEO DateJoinedCompany DateRejoinedCompany DateLeftasCEO DateLeftCompany                
                            drop dateBecame dateCLeft                    
                                gen cbc=YearBecame
                                gen clc=YearCLeft
                                    drop if(clc-YEAR)<0
                                    drop if(cbc-YEAR)>0
                                        gen monthsyearend=mdy(12, 31, (YearBecame)) if cbc==YEAR
                                        format monthsyearend %td
                                        gen months=(monthsyearend- YearBecame )/30
                                        gen monthsyearbegin=mdy(1, 1, (YearCLeft)) if clc==YEAR
                                        format monthsyearbegin %td
                                        replace months=(YearCLeft-monthsyearbegin)/30 if clc==YEAR
                                        drop if months<6
                                bysort GVKEY YEAR: egen dubbel=count(execid)
                                sort GVKEY YEAR
                                bysort GVKEY YEAR: generate CEOTEN = YearCLeft - YearBecame
                        *CEO AGE
                                bysort age execid: generate bornyear=YEAR-age
                                bysort execid : generate rage = YEAR-bornyear
                                        net from
                                *Lot of changes made by hand picking... see dta file to proceed.
                                use "H:\Thesis\FRESH\Scriptie DATA\2\part2CEO.dta"
                        *CEO COMPensation
                                drop if CEOCOMP<1
                        *CEO GENDER
                                    tabulate Gender, generate(dum)
                                    rename  dum1 DFCEO
                                    drop dum2
                        save "H:\Thesis\FRESH\Scriptie DATA\2\part2CEO.dta", replace


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Nick Cox View Post
                          The claim in #23 is obscure. What "other method" are you referring to that is "error prone"?

                          The syntax of asrol (SSC) and of rangestat (SSC) is different, but equivalent in all important respects for problems like that here.
                          I was referring to the one in #17, and by mentioning error prone I meant not that the method itself is but rather that I am when working in stata. Because for me, as a stata novice, I constantly have the feeling that I am making errors and messing up my dataset.


                          • #28
                            #27 Thanks for the reply. Point taken, and that is why you come here.

                            Clyde Schechter is a very experienced user who has often applied rangestat, so his advice is good.


                            • #29
                              I agree with Nick Cox that the syntax of asrol and rangestat are different, however, both the programs have their own merits.
                              Attaullah Shah, PhD.
                              Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
                              Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
                              For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Nick Cox View Post
                                #27 Thanks for the reply. Point taken, and that is why you come here.

                                Clyde Schechter is a very experienced user who has often applied rangestat, so his advice is good.
                                Yeah, I am very thankful for him helping me out. And just to be clear, I did not doubt his advice or method whatsoever but my own stata-abilities

                                I agree with Nick Cox that the syntax of asrol and rangestat are different, however, both the programs have their own merits.
                                Since both are giving the same results, I can use either of these methods to get the same results?

