I want to estimate 14 ordered probit models, then stack these in a seemingly unrelated regression, then generate marginal effects, and finally test whether the marginal effects for a particular set of variables are jointly significant. The dependent variable in the ordered probit has 3 values: 1, 2, and 3. When I use margins after suest, I am getting an error message.
My code is as follows:
oprobit base_freq1 MLB_dma_1 MLB_dma_2 `X_dma' i.wave `FE_dma' if (female==0 & noMLBdma==0) [iw=wtd];
estimates store m1 ;
oprobit soc_freq1 MLS_dma_1 MLS_dma_2 `X_dma' i.wave `FE_dma' if (female==0 & noMLSdma==0) [iw=wtd];
estimates store m2 ;
suest m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 m13 m14 , vce(cluster `clus_dma') ;
margins, dydx(MLB_dma_1 MLB_dma_2) predict(equation(m1) outcome(1)) post;
After the margins command I get the following error message:
Warning: cannot perform check for estimable functions.
equation 1 not found
How can I get margins to output the marginal effects and their standard errors? I've tried looking at past posts and the manuals but have not found a solution to this problem. I was able to run Wald tests on the cofficients of the oprobit models after suest, but I really want to run hypothesis tests on the marginal effects, not the coefficients. Any help will greatly appreciated!
My code is as follows:
oprobit base_freq1 MLB_dma_1 MLB_dma_2 `X_dma' i.wave `FE_dma' if (female==0 & noMLBdma==0) [iw=wtd];
estimates store m1 ;
oprobit soc_freq1 MLS_dma_1 MLS_dma_2 `X_dma' i.wave `FE_dma' if (female==0 & noMLSdma==0) [iw=wtd];
estimates store m2 ;
suest m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 m13 m14 , vce(cluster `clus_dma') ;
margins, dydx(MLB_dma_1 MLB_dma_2) predict(equation(m1) outcome(1)) post;
After the margins command I get the following error message:
Warning: cannot perform check for estimable functions.
equation 1 not found
How can I get margins to output the marginal effects and their standard errors? I've tried looking at past posts and the manuals but have not found a solution to this problem. I was able to run Wald tests on the cofficients of the oprobit models after suest, but I really want to run hypothesis tests on the marginal effects, not the coefficients. Any help will greatly appreciated!