This may be more of a statistical question than a Stata question... I am using the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) which is a series of repeated cross-sections. Statistics Canada is the agency providing the data. Statistics Canada also supplies bootstrap weights (500 replicates) and recommends using bootstrapping to obtain unbiased standard errors.
If I survey set my data, then run a logistic regression with bootstrapping, will the following marginal estimates (for example predicted probabilities and elasticity estimates) also have unbiased standard errors? Here is an example of some sample code:
use cchs.dta, clear
/* Survey set data */
svyset _n [weight=fwt], vce(bootstrap) bsrweight(bswt1-bswt500)
/* Run svy logistic regression */
svy: logistic outcome xvarlist
/* Get marginal estimates */
margins , dydx(varx)
margins , eyex(varx)
Or will standard errors of marginal estimates only be unbiased if I use the margins command for each bootstrap replicate?
If I survey set my data, then run a logistic regression with bootstrapping, will the following marginal estimates (for example predicted probabilities and elasticity estimates) also have unbiased standard errors? Here is an example of some sample code:
use cchs.dta, clear
/* Survey set data */
svyset _n [weight=fwt], vce(bootstrap) bsrweight(bswt1-bswt500)
/* Run svy logistic regression */
svy: logistic outcome xvarlist
/* Get marginal estimates */
margins , dydx(varx)
margins , eyex(varx)
Or will standard errors of marginal estimates only be unbiased if I use the margins command for each bootstrap replicate?