I'm using the Stata command "psmatch2" to estimate average treatment effects where the treatment is agricultural extension and the outcome is adoption of improved maize varieties. The reason I use "psmatch2" rather than "teffects nnmatch" is I use a mixed logit model to account for clustering on study villages in estimating the propensity score. Unfortunately standard errors for ATE are not provided for psmatch2. Does anyone know if it is possible to (1) account for clustering within communities using the teffects command, or (2) calculate standard errors for ATE with psmatch2?
Here is my Stata code
xtmelogit [outcome] [explanatory variables] || [cluster variable]:, intpoints(10)
predict mypscore
psmatch2 [treatment], pscore(mypscore) n(5) out(outcome variable) logit com ate
Thanks! Monica
Here is my Stata code
xtmelogit [outcome] [explanatory variables] || [cluster variable]:, intpoints(10)
predict mypscore
psmatch2 [treatment], pscore(mypscore) n(5) out(outcome variable) logit com ate
Thanks! Monica