I'm not very familiar with loops in Stata, and this is essentially my first attempt, which is why it is probably not working.
Basically, I have around 135 Excel workbooks (not sheets!) in a directory and want to create a loop to save them as .dta files. Googling around a bit, I came across this answer from Nick Cox: http://www.stata.com/statalist/archi.../msg00083.html
My excel files are currently named as Data_1, Data_2, Data_3 etc. I just wanted to test with four files before I actually applied the loop to all the files to test if it was working as I expected, and this is shown in the code below. Note that for each Excel workbook, the data is on Sheet 1.
The error that Stata brings up is 'No; data in memory would be lost' (r4)
Here is my code:
Basically, I have around 135 Excel workbooks (not sheets!) in a directory and want to create a loop to save them as .dta files. Googling around a bit, I came across this answer from Nick Cox: http://www.stata.com/statalist/archi.../msg00083.html
My excel files are currently named as Data_1, Data_2, Data_3 etc. I just wanted to test with four files before I actually applied the loop to all the files to test if it was working as I expected, and this is shown in the code below. Note that for each Excel workbook, the data is on Sheet 1.
The error that Stata brings up is 'No; data in memory would be lost' (r4)
Here is my code:
local mylist 1 2 3 4 foreach x of local mylist { import excel D:\Testing\Data_`x'.xlsx, sheet("1") firstrow clear save `x', replace }