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  • Country-time Dummies and Specification Error

    Hi all,
    Currently, I am doing research about the impact of free trade agreements to trade flow. I have panel data that consist of 86 countries from 1980-2012. I use panel data estimation : Pooled Least Square, RE, and FE. Then I will choose the best model among them. The literature said that I have to include the country-time dummies to account for multilateral trade resistance terms. I don't have any specification error before I included the country-time dummies. But when I included the country-time dummies, there are always a specification error resulted by using .ovtest command in stata. I want to include the multilateral resistance term, but is it okay to impose the dummies to my model since it has experienced a specification error? How to solve it?

    I really need your help on that.

  • #2
    Hi all
    Currently I am using sequential logit of Buis (2007) to understand effect of son preference on contraceptive adoption and choice. My, main predictor is son preference, which is a gender-parity (GP) categorical variable (having 15 categories) with GP(2,1) means 2 living children with 1 living son as reference category. The response variable is contraceptive adoption and choice (1=not using, 2=using natural method, 3=using modern method). There are a number of controls. have found out the odds ratios simply using command xi: seqlogit Depvar i.Indepvars, or robust. Now I want to find out transitional probabilities of contraceptive adoption and choice (transition 1, is adoption i.e. using or not-using; and transition 2 is choice between natural and modern method ) for related to Gender-parity variable i.e. main predictor variable. I can not use 'ofinterest' in the equation since it always wants 'over'. I don't have any 'over' variable. so seqlogitdecomp is also not working.

    After many attempts, I just could not do it. if anybody is having syntax then pls. help me out.


    • #3
      @dsgosh: This is a separate question, please start your own thread. I have an answer, but it would be unfair to Anandita if I would post it on her thread. So I will post it as soon as you started your own thread.
      Maarten L. Buis
      University of Konstanz
      Department of history and sociology
      box 40
      78457 Konstanz


      • #4
        Anandita's question is also cross-posted at

        Cross-posting is not prohibited in either forum, but here we have made it explicit that you should tell us about it. See Section 8. That way, people can check to see if comments have already been made on the other forum. As someone intermittently active on Cross Validated, I add that telling them about the cross-posting would widely be considered courteous.

