Hi, I am using an up-to-date Stata 13.1 MP on Windows Server 2012, and maybe you will have some advice for me while you also learn a cautionary tale: I did see frequent freezes of Stata during operations among which I saw no obvious pattern. Resources are plentiful, and though StataCorp tech support reminded me that I can always suspect hardware errors or overheating, I really found no fault in a fairly recent server. Today a new suggestion from tech support was that I should check my files with -dtaverify- because the the new format in version 13 could cause problems with third party software or simply during -merge- etc. I was skeptical, because the freezes did not happen during data-management, or even more importantly, because no old or third-party software was involved, this data is generated from text files using -import delimited- and all merges and appends follow from that (StataCorp also suspected string issues specifically, and as you can see, -dtaverify- complains about other things, though it does not finish its checks after it found this issue). Now I do have a Windows command prompt loop to check all .dta files on my drives with -dtaverify-, and it started finding problems. I think the question then becomes: How serious can these be, and is there any way to fix these apart from waiting for a future Stata update that will be robust to these or fix its own faults on the fly? I would rather not spend days rerunning the data generation process merely hoping that this time the errors will not arise for some reason. The first error message I ran into is:
The loop for future reference:
The simple do file this calls:
12. reading and verifying value label definitions
verifying construction
(1 labels in file)
SERIOUS ERROR: |......... .....| found where |</value_labels>| expected
Stopping; this error prevents continuing to check for other errors.
Serious errors detected
verifying construction
(1 labels in file)
SERIOUS ERROR: |......... .....| found where |</value_labels>| expected
Stopping; this error prevents continuing to check for other errors.
Serious errors detected
FOR /R S:\ %%f IN (*.dta) DO ( "c:\Program Files (x86)\Stata13\stataMP-64.exe" /e do S:/dtaverify/dtaverify_all.do %%f )
dtaverify `1' exit